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From the Don Freeman Papers.; Early watercolor illustration (p. 12) from Don Freeman's The Guard Mouse (1967). 8.5" x 11.5"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Early ink sketch of the main character and the various ways the author attempted to spell his name from Don Freeman's Inspector Peckit (1972). 8.5" x 11"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Early color illustration from book dummy for Don Freeman's Mop Top (1955). 10" x 13"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Early watercolor illustration with pasted text from Don Freeman's Corduroy (1968). 8.5" x 10"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Editorial cartoon of dollar signs created in ink by Don Freeman for his book The Seal and the Slick (1974). 8.5" x 12"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Editorial cartoon of a pelican covered in oil created by Don Freeman for his book The Seal and the Slick (1974). 8.5" x 12"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Charcoal pencil illustration of the main character on pebbled paper from Don Freeman's Inspector Peckit (1972). 14.5" x 12.5"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Storyboard page (p. 2) with orange color pencil illustrations of comedy and tragedy masks from Don Freeman's Forever Laughter (1970). 10.5" x 12"


From the Don Freeman Papers.; Crayon illustration from fourth book dummy for Don Freeman's Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library (1969). 9" x 12"


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