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From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph of Margaret Hazelton (left) and Zoya Zeman (right) taken in June 1964, after they learned they would be roommates in Clarksdale, Mississippi, for the summer. Hazelton and Zeman were volunteers in the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project.

[June 1964]

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph taken in September 1964 of Carolyn Lane, an unidentified man, five unidentified women, and one unidentified child. It shows the group standing in front of the Ruleville Community Center. Carolyn Lane, a registered nurse, is on the far left of the photo.

September 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Two-sided tri-fold brochure about the Freedom Registration drive sponsored by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)" COFO explains who can register, how and where to register, and includes a registration form and contact information.


From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph of the courthouse in Clarksdale, Mississippi, taken in September 1964, showing the building from the street. There are several trees around the building and there are cars parked out front.

September 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph taken in September 1964 of Zoya Zeman, Carolyn Lane, and friends. It shows Zeman and Lane standing in front of a building with an unidentified man and child in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Carolyn Lane was a registered nurse.

September 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Describes the political campaigns of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) in 1964. It introduces the freedom registration and provides biographical sketches and platforms for the four Freedom Candidates: Fannie Lou Hamer, James Monroe Houston, Rev. John E. Cameron, and Victoria Jackson Gray (Adams).

12 April 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>This two-page document introduces the programs to be undertaken and/or continued by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) from the winter of 1964 to spring of 1965. Programs include Freedom Democratic Party and voter registration, Freedom schools, preschool education, the White Community Project, federal programs, community centers, literacy programs, medical programs, legal programs, audiovisual programs, food, clothing distribution, Mississippi Student Union, and libraries.


From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph of a cotton field in Mississippi taken in September 1964. It shows a large cotton field with three workers picking cotton. There is a large wagon next to the field filled with cotton with several people standing around it.

September 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph of Carolyn Lane and six unidentified African American children taken during a Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) trip to rural areas near Clarksdale, Mississippi, in September 1964. It shows Lane and the six children sitting in front of a building posing for the picture. Lane was a registered nurse.

September 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph of First Baptist Church, Clarksdale, Mississippi, taken in September 1964. When the photograph was taken, the church was located on 114th Street. The street name and number have since changed to 115 Martin Luther King Boulevard.

September 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father dated July 7, 1964, in which she discusses Ross Barnett and other Southern politicians and their influence on the racial attitudes of many southern whites. She goes on to say that people living in the North should act against the racial inequality in the South.

7 July 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. A letter from Zoya Zeman's father to Zoya Zeman. The letter regards catching Zoya up on what has been going on as well as his opinion of her civil rights activism.

15 March 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>This is a small sticker with "I support Freedom Democrats." It refers to the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party in Mississippi in the 1960's.


From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph of a group of civil rights workers and local residents at an evening picnic given by Dr. Aaron Henry at his home in Clarksdale, Mississippi, during the summer of 1964. Dr. Henry, a leader in the civil rights movement on both the state and local level, was a pharmacist and resident of Clarksdale.


From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph taken in Oxford, Ohio, at the civil rights summer project training session held June 21-27, 1964. It shows, from left to right, Heidi Dole, Zoya Zeman, and other participants of the project.

June 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father dated July 5, 1964. Zeman writes about possible dates for her father to come to Mississippi to help with the health team on the Mississippi Freedom Project. She mentions the Freedom rides and important people in the civil rights efforts.

5 July 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father, dated July 3, 1964, 9:10am. Zeman writes that she is safe and staying at the home of Dr. Aaron Henry in Clarksdale, Mississippi. She is having an enjoyable time, but needs to work on fixing up the building for the community center.

3 July 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>This is a small handwritten poster meant to rally support of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP). A time and place to participate are given.


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