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From the Gordon (Albert F.) Freedom Rider Collection.; Report of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) concerning the arrest of a group of Freedom Riders on July 9, 1961, in Jackson, Mississippi. Includes details of the incident and information on Albert F. Gordon, one of the Freedom Riders.

21 August 1961

From the Gordon (Albert F.) Freedom Rider Collection.; Report from the Special Agent in Charge (SAC), New Orleans, to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), dated October 11, 1961. Includes a summary of actions taken against the Freedom Riders who were arrested, with specific information about Albert Gordon.

11 October 1961

From the Gordon (Albert F.) Freedom Rider Collection.; Teletype communications from the FBI Special Agent in Charge (SAC) in Mobile to the FBI Director and SAC-S in New Orleans, New York, and Chicago regarding the actions of Freedom Riders traveling from Montgomery, Alabama, to Jackson, Mississippi, via Trailway bus. Notice of the action was released to the FBI via Tom Gaither of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in Montgomery.

9 July 1961

From the Gordon (Albert F.) Freedom Rider Collection.; Copies of an arrest record for Albert F. Gordon and offense reports from the Jackson, Mississippi, police department dated July 9, 1961. The offense report lists names and addresses of eight Freedom Riders arrested in Jackson at the Trailways bus station for breach of peace (Daniel Ritchie Burkholder, Lionel Goldbart, Albert Forrest Gordon, Stephen Greenstein, Jeanne [?] Herrick, Saul Bernard Manfield, Ralph Robert Rogers, and Lula Mae White) and contains an account of the incident. A disposition record dated July 10, 1961, shows a sentence of a $200 fine and four months in jail. Arresting officer was Capt. John Ray.

9-10 July 1961

From the Gordon (Albert F."Freedom Rider" Collection.; Follow-up reports by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on the July 9, 1961, arrest of a group of Freedom Riders in Jackson, Mississippi. These follow-ups relate to conviction on breach of the peace, sentencing, and transport to Parchman Farm. Includes a transcribed copy of Mississippi Code Section 2087.5, Disorderly conduct, which includes breach of the peace.

14-17 July 1961

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