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From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The letter from Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath to Rabbi Ben-Ami is typed on Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) letterhead. The letter responds to a previous letter from Rabbi Ben-Ami.

15 June 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The letter from Edith Macy to Rabbi Ben-Ami is typed on National Urban League letterhead with the names and positions of staff members in the New York office in the left margin. Macy asks Rabbi Ben-Ami to report on the success of a mission in Biloxi.

12 January 1965

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. This a copy of a letter from Drew Pearson to Robert Beech. Pearson responds to Beech's January 4, 1965, letter in which Beech contends that Pearson published inaccuracies in a column that appeared on Christmas 1964.

8 January 1965

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. This document by an unknown author maintains that Jews and Communists are brainwashing Americans by using control over the news media to advance views on civil rights. The author accuses Jews and Communists of harassing others into agreeing with an un-American agenda (the Civil Rights movement) and urges readers to stand against liberals and moderates.


From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The letter from Samuel J. Simmons to Rabbi Ben-Ami is typed on United States Commission on Civil Rights letterhead. The letter notifies Rabbi Ben-Ami of his appointment to the Mississippi Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

25 June 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. This letter from W.G. Sims to Drew Pearson explains how turkeys donated by the "Christmas for Mississippi" project were distributed to needy families in the Hattiesburg area on Christmas Eve 1964.

25 December 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The pamphlet explains that the Committee of Concern is an interracial, interfaith group with the goal of raising and managing funds and equipment to rebuild burned churches in the Hattiesburg area. A photograph on the front cover of the pamphlet shows the remains of a burned church, and an excerpt from Isaiah 61 is printed on the second page.


From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. Dr. A.C. Germann, a professor of police science in California, commends Rabbi Ben-Ami for his ministry and his civil rights activities. Dr. Germann learned of the rabbi in Drew Pearson's column in the Los Angeles Times.

25 December 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. This letter to the Editor of the Santa Barbara (Calif.) News-Press by Drew Pearson answers a letter by Rabbi Joseph Jasin. Jasin's letter was critical of Pearson's previous letter to the Editor, which addressed events related to the dismissal of Rabbi Ben-Ami from B'nai Israel congregation in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, due to his participation in the civil rights activities.

25 January 1965

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The worship service program includes the order of the service for Brotherhood Week (held at Temple B'nai Israel, Hattiesburg), lists participants in the service, and includes a letter from President Lyndon B. Johnson.

21 February 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. This bulletin for Temple B'Nai Israel includes a message from Rabbi Ben-Ami on the meaning of the High Holy Days, a welcome to the new Rabbi, and a list of families in the B'Nai Israel community. It also includes information on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for Jewish year 5724 (1963-1964).


From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The document contains an editorial by Jerome Lipnick titled From where I stand. Mr. Lipnick discusses the forced resignation of Rabbi David Z. Ben-Ami from Temple B'nai Israel in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, for his civil rights activities.

13 January 1965

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. Mort Lewis urges Temple B'nai Israel to reconsider the dismissal of Rabbi Ben-Ami for his civil rights activities.

25 December 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. Transcription of the March 18, 1965, radio broadcast of Edward P. Morgan on the resignation of David Z. Ben-Ami from Temple B'nai Israel (Hattiesburg, Mississippi).

18 March 1965

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The letter from Mrs. Smith expresses her dismay at the forced resignation of Rabbi David Z. Ben-Ami from Temple B'nai Israel for his civil rights activities, about which she read in Drew Pearson's Christmas Day 1964 column. She urges the Temple B'nai congregation to reconsider this action and outlines her reasons against the backdrop of Biblical texts and historical context.

26 December 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. This document lists names, addresses and phone numbers of the members of the 1964 Mississippi Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Details for some members are included, such as occupation and other civil rights or social activities.

26 June 1964

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. This flyer advertises a campaign headed by comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory to send 20,000 turkeys to needy families in Mississippi. The flyer announces that for $5.00, Chicagoans can donate a Christmas dinner to a Mississippi family in memory of James Chaney, Medgar Evers, Andrew Goodman, and Mickey Schwerner.


From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The letter from Anne Braden to Rabbi Ben-Ami is typed on Southern Conference Educational Fund letterhead, and the left margin includes a list of the staff at the SCEF office in Louisville, Kentucky. Braden recalls meeting the Rabbi and encourages him to write an article about his experiences in Hattiesburg for the Patriot.

15 October 1964

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