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From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. In the notecard, Margaret [Burnham?] writes to Ed [Hamlett], Mississippi's state director of the White Folks Project (WFP), to express her view that the Project is losing its good people. Possible author of this note is Margaret Burnham.

12 June 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. The letter from Charles Smith to Ed [Hamlett] bears a stamp from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter at The University of Texas at Austin. Smith writes that he has applied to the Jackson office of Council of Federated Organizations and that he wants to learn about community organizing activities by working as a Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) volunteer. He also asks whether, if he cannot raise funds to be self-sufficient, SNCC can subsidize his work for them. He writes about SDS activities at UT Austin, including a recent meeting at which Mark Lane spoke about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the investigation of Oswald. Smith makes a case for increased cooperation among three civil rights-oriented groups: SDS, SNCC, and the Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC).

20 April 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Anne Strickland writes to Ed Hamlett, Mississippi state director of the White Folks Project (WFP), that she will arrive in Jackson on July 17 in time to attend the orientation that weekend.

13 July 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection; This flyer outlines the plans of a group called Assembly of Unrepresented People to gather at the House of Representatives in Washington, D. C. to protest the US involvement in Vietnam. It also lists workshops and programs that will be held before and during the protest.

6-9 August 1965

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This internal newsletter for Council of Federated Organization (COFO) staff members covers false arrests connected with civil rights activities, new legislation in Mississippi, and upcoming projects of various civil rights organizations.

25 May 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Bruce Maxwell, in his letter to Ed [Hamlett], expresses his reservations and aspirations for poor whites, African-Americans, and the Freedom Democratic Party in Mississippi.

3 June 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. An unknown author relates the stories of two bombings and police misconduct in McComb, Mississippi.

21-22 September 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. The letter, presumably written by Dottie (Dorothy) Zellner to Anne Braden and Ed Hamlett, is typed on Boston Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee letterhead. Braden and Hamlett are asked to locate a man named Sam and to talk to him about accepting an offer of psychiatric help.

5 May 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Philip Alden's letter indicates frustration caused by a lack of communication from the White Folks Project (WFP), and by his inability to forward a $50 check for the Project.

16 June 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This document from Margie [?] recounts a meeting with Rev. Harris, an African American minister whose church was used as a Freedom School.

14 July [1964]

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This document records the minutes of a meeting of White Folks Project workers. Topics individual worker reports on contacts made that day and the possibility of organizing discussion groups in local residences.

12 July 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This document is the information card on Janet McNeill.


From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Nelson Blackstock's application to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) summer project in Mississippi covers his formal education, useful skills, college activities, social memberships, job history and hometown newspaper affiliation.


From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This document records the minutes of a meeting covering daily miscellany of White Folks Project workers.

15 July 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This newsletter contains six pages of text, largely edited by Eric Blanchard, and ten photographs by Ken Thompson. The newsletter explains the history of voting in Mississippi, the voter registration movements underway in 1964, and the proposed Voting Rights Bill of 1965. A large portion of the content details the progress of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) in challenging the seats of five Mississippi congressmen.


From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This memo from Jim Dombrowski to Board Members of the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) and other friends concerns fundraising to pay the living expenses of four civil rights workers who have volunteered to work on Ed Hamlett's White Folks Project. A sample chain letter and four fact sheets describing the scope of the White Folks Project (part of Mississippi Freedom Summer) are included.

25 June 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This list of contacts made by Gene Guerrero includes observations on the positions held by the contacts regarding civil rights and labor unions, and assesses their leadership ability and willingness to help with the project.


From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Cele Meyer, in her letter to Ed [Hamlett], explains that family responsibilities will prevent her from participating in the Mississippi Freedom Project.

3 June 1964

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