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From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; To prevent the decline of civilization by racial mixing, the American people need to be educated against the twin evils of world Jewry and Communism, destroyers of the Nordic race.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The author maintains that trickery and propaganda from Communist-affiliated organizations, such as the National Advancement for the Association of Colored People, and the American Civil Liberties Union, have pressured certain Congresspersons into promoting civil rights legislation.

April 1967

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; Circuit Judge M. M. McGowan, in a question and answer format, explains the meaning of interposition, and discusses its varied aspects.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; Simmons discusses segregation in the South, compares it to segregation in the Mid-west and in the North, argues segregation is a constitutionally protected right, and maintains the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Urban League are Communist-dominated organizations.

3 February 1958

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet notes the integration conflicts in Mississippi, and endeavors to promote a positive image of Mississippians.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamplet stresses that only by a separate program of friendly cooperation between the races, with separateness in social life, can the races go forward in promoting the talents of races and can contribute to the welfare and happiness of both.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; In this pamphlet, Landry asserts that integrationists are trying to reunite the races that God separated in the Old Testament story of the Tower of Babel. He asserts that new anthropological and psychological theories of racial equality are pseudoscientific and backed by Communist interests. Landry cites some Old Testament quotations that he interprets as implying that segregation is ordered by God, and he asserts that race amalgamation will be lead to the downfall of Christianity. He also compares African Americans' social condition to that of Jews, Italians, Germans, and Irish in order to support his argument that African Americans' place at the bottom of the United States' social structure is a result of their lack of effort.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet presents a defense of States' Rights, and argues the states have a legal right to continue the segregationist way of life.

22 April 1961

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet stresses the need for segregation among the races to protect the United States from decline as a civilization.

28 October 1954

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; From a segregationist position, James C. Davis discusses the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision, and presents ways in which to oppose integration.

28 November 1956

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; Excerpt from the book "Down to Earth." The material stresses the perceived negative affects of racial integration.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet discusses how Communist propaganda has enticed African-Americans and white "intellectuals" to follow Communist ideology.

17 May 1955

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet asserts that until Communist-inspired instigation pitted African Americans against Caucasian Americans, turned friendship to hate, contentment to dissatisfaction, and harmony to friction, both races, in the South, had been content to live in a peaceful and segregated society.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; United States Senator James O. Eastland, from Mississippi, defends states' rights and segregation in schools, proclaims the integration efforts of such organizations as the National Advancement for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Council of Churches of Christ, and the Rockefeller Foundation are Communist inspired organizations, which use the national media to foster their views.

1 December 1955

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; In the pamphlet, McCain contends that the United States is constantly losing freedoms due to the centralization of the federal government. He feels that Communism and Socialism are the greatest threat to our freedom, because he contends that Communist revolutionaries have infiltrated the U.S. government. McCain says that Communists and Socialists are using racial tensions in the U.S. as a tool to weaken our society. He feels that the executive branch has much more power than the legislative and judicial branch, and that the U.S. national debt is too big. He also points out that the U.S. has alienated other countries in the world by pretending to be a global "big brother" or policeman.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; Koch's pamphlet discusses how Communism conquers its enemies, plans to conquer the United States, wishes to disband organized religion, and incites racial strife.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; Pamphlet alleges that the people who direct and subsidize the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) have records of affinity for, affiliation with, and particpation in Communist, Communist-front subversive organizations, activities, and causes.


From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; D. B. Red states that God implemented segregation after the flood and enforced it all through the Old Testament. He quotes the Bible to support his belief that segregation of races was ordained by God and that race-mixing is an instrument of the Devil. He also quotes Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln to support his view that racial integration is undesirable. Red also contends that religious leaders who support integration have been duped by an influx of Communist rhetoric that seeks to undermine the social structure of the United States.


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