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From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a Black man holding on to a barbed wire fence with his head held down.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a wedding dress in a store window, shot from outside with reflections visible on the glass.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a chain of ammunition and a rifle and glove in the lower right hand corner.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of an unidentified man playing a standing base violin at the United Nations Building in New York.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of an alleyway in Brooklyn, New York.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a seal (possibly dead) in a bed of grass. Photograph taken on Shinnecock Reservation.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of an older black male sitting on a park bench in Harlem, resting his head on his hands and wearing pork pie hat. In the background of the photo, a young child stands by a bush with a young black male adult visible on the left hand side.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of Herbert Randall's son, Dana, sitting in a home located on the Shinnecock Reservation in Suffolk County, New York.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a close up of Herbert Randall's Aunt Mary, smiling and looking down to the right, wearing glasses and earrings.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a man identified as Dick Read, through the window of a building with an "apartment for rent" sign hanging in Parksville, New York.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of an advertisement by Levy's Real Jewish Rye Bread featuring a Black child in a New York Police Department cap holding a slice of bread and smiling, the text "You Don't Have to be Jewish" is visible. The advertisement seems to be slightly altered with indiscernible text added at the top.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of Herbert Randall's Aunt Kathleen, sitting outside on the Shinnecock Reservation. Visible in the background are other tables set up with people sitting at them, a man walking towards them, as well as a building with a hipped roof and open windows. Kathleen is wearing a sweater, earrings, and glasses.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a family of four, with one child turned and smiling at the camera, at Coney Island.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of Mrs. Singho on the Shinnecock Reservation in Suffolk County, New York.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of five unidentified people playing in the waters of the shoreline on an island in Bermuda. Two people are standing, one is sitting with a swimming hair cap on and a beach ball, and two small children sitting in the water in the bottom right of the photo.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a man and child (identified as Luther and Kelly). Luther stands in a canoe on the grassy shore banks casting his fishing line into the waters with Kelly, standing in the grass and looking into the boat.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of a Mary Loftis sitting outside. She is wearing a dress with a floral pattern paired with a long-sleeve shirt. She is looking past the camera with her hands in her lap. Visible in the background are grass and trees.


From the Herbert Randall Photograph Collection. Black and white photograph of Herbert Randall's mother, Jane Hunter Randall, walking through a cemetery in Riverhead, New York. Jane is on the left side of the photo in a coat and beret styled hat, with one hand in her pocket and the other holding on to her purse which is over her right shoulder. Her face is looking down to the right, where headstones are visible.


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