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From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Typewritten letter from Anne Braden to Victoria Jackson Gray (Adams), dated April 7, 1966, in which Braden requests permission to nominate Gray to the board of directors of the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF). Includes lists of members of the board of directors, advisory committee, and medical committee.

7 April 1966

From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection; The memo from Anne Braden to the Southern Student Organizing Committee discusses approaches to Civil Rights organizing in the South. Braden feels that white students should work at organizing poor white southerners, and that African American students should organize African American communities. She also notes that organizing in the white community means convincing poor white southerners that they need to team up with African American organizations in order to fight economic oppression.

February 1967

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. The letter from Anne Braden to Ed [Hamlett] is typed on Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) letterhead. It concerns Ed''s wish to apply for work and funding through a new Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) project and includes personal advice from Braden.

1 February 1964

From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection; In an article for The Southern Patriot, Anne Braden notes the confusion of the community and the media over the meaning of the phrase "black power." She clarifies the meaning and usage of the phrase "black power" and discusses the new directions in which the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) is now headed. She mentions leadership changes in SNCC and gives some background information on the organization's new chairman, Stokely Carmichael.

May 1966

From the Ben-Ami (Rabbi David Z.) Papers. The letter from Anne Braden to Rabbi Ben-Ami is typed on Southern Conference Educational Fund letterhead, and the left margin includes a list of the staff at the SCEF office in Louisville, Kentucky. Braden recalls meeting the Rabbi and encourages him to write an article about his experiences in Hattiesburg for the Patriot.

15 October 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Anne Braden's letter to Ed [Hamlett] is typed on Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) letterhead and is a response to Hamlett's earlier letter. She explains her delay in writing and promises to answer his questions more fully, and writes of materials she is sending to him under separate cover. Hamlett's questions are about allegations that SCEF has ties to communism and about a program of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) funded by SCEF. The letter includes a hand written note on the desired qualifications for applicants and a typed list of the Board of Directors and Advisory Committees for SCEF.

19 May 1963

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Anne Braden's letter states her commitment to civil rights and expresses her frustration with being unable to participate in the civil rights movement due to her daughter Anita's heart condition. The document also has a hand-written note from Braden to Ed [Hamlett].

6 May 1964

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