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From the AAEC Editorial Cartoons Collection. Cartoon by Paul Carmack. A human-sized eagle has backed a man labeled "Communist spy" against a wall. The eagle is wearing trousers and a vest emblazoned with stars. Papers the man has dropped litter the ground. The eagle looks the man in the eye and asks, "Ever hear of an eagle eye?" The cartoon caption reads, "Gentle hint."

12 August 1948

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Paul Carmack. Two groups of people push on opposite sides of a giant globe with latitude and longitude lines. The globe is labeled, "Today's world." The larger group, on the left side, is labeled, "Advocates of progress in racial adjustments." A man in the smaller group, on the right, says,"We like it as it is." The cartoon caption reads, "It may be slowed but not stopped."

14 April 1960

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Paul Carmack. A personified scroll of paper labeled "Court packing proposal" stands on a ladder that leans against the facade of the U.S. Supreme Court building. The scroll, with a paint brush in one hand and paint bucket in the other, is painting the last letter of the phrase "U.S. Supine Court" beneath the pediment of the facade. The cartoon caption reads, "Is that the idea?"

16 February 1937

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Paul Carmack. Two men are riding a horse in headlong gallop that is labeled "Inflation." The larger of the two men is in the saddle, is labeled "Congress," and is riding at ease without holding the reins, which are labeled "Curbs." The smaller of the two men, labeled "Public," is anxiously holding on and is at risk of being bounced off. The larger man is saying, "Look, no hands!"

3 February 1948

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