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Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives; Includes a Letter of the Secretary of War, James A. Seddon and Letters of Quartermaster General, A. R. Lawton.

15 December 1864

Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Confederate States.

05 March 1863

Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives; Includes Communication of the Secretary of War, John C. Breckinridge, and an estimate for funds to meet the deficiencies in the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, C.S.A. for part of the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1864.

22 February 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to amend the existing Acts for the exemption of persons from military service." Mr Perkins moved the following as an amendment to the Exemption Bill, reported from the Committee on Military Affairs; enacted by the Congress of the Confederate States of America circa 1861-1865.

Battle Song of the "Black Horsemen." Air - "Dixie." Battle of Manassas, July 21, 1861. Winchester, VA.

October 1861

A Bill: Requiring suit to be brought against persons connected with the Cotton Bureau and Cotton Office in Texas. By Mr. Herbert; January 20, 1865 - Read first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. March 2, 1865 - Reported back with amendment, laid on the table and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America.

20 January 1865

The following regulations are established in relation to the receipt of Four per cent Bonds and Certificates offered in payment for Texas, by C. G. Memminger, Secretary of Treasury.

23 March 1864

A Bill: To be entitled, " An Act to amend An act entitled, 'An act to regulate the destruction of property under military necessity and to provide for the indemnity thereof'." By Mr. Foster; Read the first and second times and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 17 January 1863.

17 January 1863

A Bill: To amend the Act entitled, "An Act: To organize forces to serve during the war," approved 17 February 1864. By Mr. Sparrow, from Committee on Military Affairs; Read first time and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 13 February 1865.

13 February 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to increase and strengthen the army of the Confederate States." By Mr. Royster; Read first and second times, referred to Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 22 January 1863.

22 January 1863

Attorney General's Report to the President.

26 February 1862

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act making appropriations for the Executive, Legislative and Judicial expenses of the Government for the month of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two." By Mr. Kenner, from Committee of Ways and Means; Referred to Committee of the Whole, made special order for Friday at 12 o'clock, M., and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 02 October 1862.

02 October 1862

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to allow commissioned officers of the army rations and the privilege of purchasing clothing from the Quartermaster's Department." By Mr. Miles; December 11, 1863 - Read first and second times, and referred to Committee on Military Affairs. December 24, 1863 - Reported back favorably, placed upon the Calendar, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America.

11 December 1863

Circular Instructions No. 1: Regulations relative to importations from places above the Confederate states, by vessels navigating the Mississippi and other Rivers.

06 February 1861

Confederate States of America, Treasury Department, Register's Office.

22 April 1861

Three Cheers for our Jack Morgan! A Camp Song. Words by Eugene Raymond. Music by Emmett.


An Act to amend an act entitled, "An Act: Recognizing the existence of war between the United States and the Confederate States, and concerning Letters of Marque, Prizes and Prize Goods, approved May 6th, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one."; approved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 21 May 1861.

21 May 1861

Tariff of the Confederate States of America. Approved by Congress, May 21, 1861. To be of force from and after August 31, 1861.

21 May 1864

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