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From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Two-sided tri-fold brochure about the Freedom Registration drive sponsored by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)" COFO explains who can register, how and where to register, and includes a registration form and contact information.


From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>This two-page document introduces the programs to be undertaken and/or continued by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) from the winter of 1964 to spring of 1965. Programs include Freedom Democratic Party and voter registration, Freedom schools, preschool education, the White Community Project, federal programs, community centers, literacy programs, medical programs, legal programs, audiovisual programs, food, clothing distribution, Mississippi Student Union, and libraries.


From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Newsletter entitled "The Voice of the Movement," distributed by the Hattiesburg, Mississippi, branch of the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), dated August 17, 1964. Volume 1, Issue 12 discusses various incidents occurring within the Fifth Congressional District, including the removal of an African-American woman from a city bus after she refused to move to the back of the bus at the request of the bus driver. Another incident involved the arrest of three COFO workers who were arrested while picketing and charged with interfering with an officer.

17 August 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Leaflet composed by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) that describes the political program with regard to the up-coming Democratic National Convention of 1964. Includes information about the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) and its plans to oppose the Mississippi delegation of the Democratic Party at the national convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Newsletter published by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)" Topics in this issue include the beatings of civil rights workers in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, announcements of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, the opening of a community center, and a bombing.

21 July 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Newsletter published by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)" Topics in this issue include an incident of discrimination against a mother and her sick child, Freedom Schools, the Civil Rights Bill, the history of civil rights laws in America, and an analysis of the Hattiesburg American's depiction of the city police department. Reports on the local Freedom libraries and the jail status of Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) leaders are also included.

12 September 1964

From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection; The report covers the Mississippi Student Union (MSU) convention that was held in Jackson. It relates that 50 delegates from MSU chapters across the state discussed a state-wide school boycott. The report also clarifies the relationship between MSU and the Council of Federated Organizations (U.S.); It also records the impressions of an astonished, African American student after his first visit to a white school.

December 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Letter written by Jesse Morris for the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), and sent to the workers and friends of the Mississippi Freedom Project of 1964. The letter is written on the back of a CODO poster that reads "Now with your hand, pull the lever down." Voting booth levers are labeled Justice, Equality, and Freedom. Also shows chains and three pairs of hands labeled with the names of civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, who were murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi in June 1964. The first pair of hands is chained, the second is breaking the chain, and the third pair is unchained.

14 September 1964

From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection; This brochure outlines the goals and activities of the Mississippi Student Union (MSU) in the early 1960s. It describes the organization's structure and its coordination with the Council of Federated Organizations' (COFO) voter registration drives and the Mississippi Freedom Project. The brochure notes what subjects will be taught at the Mississippi Freedom Schools. It also mentions that student volunteers will be eligible for scholarships to attend Tougaloo College and to attend college outside of Mississippi.

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Typewritten letter from the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) staff to a Freedom Summer volunteer, dated May 18, 1964. The letter informs the recipient that he/she has been chosen to work on research as part of the Mississippi Summer Project. Includes a list of books to be read before going south, as well as suggested items that may be useful for the summer.

18 May 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>This document contains eight affidavits detailing the violence and discrimination against African Americans and/or civil rights workers in Mississippi during the Mississippi Freedom Project in 1964. The affidavits were compiled by the Communications Section of the Mississippi Project of the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO).


From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Memo from the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) Mississippi Summer Project staff to summer project workers assigned to work in voter registration. Lists supplies and materials that workers are to bring with them for the summer such as typewriters, carbon paper, typing paper, and other items that are needed. Also includes a Mississippi voter registration application and sample sections from the Mississippi Constitution.

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>This document contains details of events from July 2-5, 1964, relating to the Mississippi Freedom Project. It describes harassments, scare tactics, threats, and violence that the civil rights workers, freedom school teachers and the local African Americans endured during that time.

1 July 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Newsletter published by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)" Topics in this issue include a sit-in in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, racial violence and discrimination, the Free Southern Theater, and discrimination in voting practices.

1 February 1965

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Report describing the voter registration program of the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)" Mentions accomplishments and future plans of COFO, as well as plans of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP).

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Request letter sent to former Freedom Summer volunteers for items needed by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) for fall and winter programs. Items needed include: school, office and community center supplies; books and films; recreational and sports equipment; clothing and household items; and other items for general use by COFO.

September 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Describes problems in African American communities in Mississippi and outlines ways civil rights workers can make the community aware of the federal aid programs available to them.


From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection. Pamphlet with information about a work-study program coordinated by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and Tougaloo College, whereby 30 Tougaloo students per year could work to register voters and also attend classes.

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