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From the Dahl (Kathleen) Freedom Summer Collection. Letter to Professor Robert McElvaine of Millsaps College. Dahl discusses the donation of project files and historical papers from Holly Springs to the University of California at Berkeley.

1 November 1979

From the Dahl (Kathleen) Freedom Summer Collection. Three-page handwritten letter by Kathy Dahl addressed to the Berkeley, California, chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Dahl discusses the social impact and financial needs of the Holly Springs Freedom Project.


From the Dahl (Kathleen) Freedom Summer Collection. End of summer report by Kathy Dahl written for the Medical Committee for Human Rights. The first half outlines basic medical care conditions for African Americans in the Holly Springs area; the second contains a set of recommendation for future action and initiatives.


From the Dahl (Kathleen) Freedom Summer Collection. One-page letter by Kathleen Dahl, a registered nurse and Freedom Summer volunteer in Holly Springs, Mississippi. She writes on behalf of Charles T. Scales, an African-American volunteer and native of Holly Springs, to solicit funds for Scales' hospital bills; he sustained injuries in a car accident while on business for the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) and was later mistreated by local hospital personnel and law enforcement officials.

1 September 1964

From the Dahl (Kathleen) Freedom Summer Collection. Letter to Cleveland (Cleve) Sellers. Dahl advises Sellers to write about his experiences as a civil rights worker in Holly Springs, Mississippi. She mentions Rita and Bud Walker, Ivanhoe [Donaldson], Aviva [Futorian], Stokely [Carmichael], the Freedom Democratic Party (FDP), and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). This letter addresses possible preparation for a book or other retrospective.

Undated January 29

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