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From the Tatum Family Business Records. A letter from James O. Eastland to Frank M. Tatum. The letter regards salt domes that may be useful for seismic and atomic research. A report released by the Atomic Energy Commission is attached.

04 January 1961

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; United States Senator James O. Eastland, from Mississippi, defends states' rights and segregation in schools, proclaims the integration efforts of such organizations as the National Advancement for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Council of Churches of Christ, and the Rockefeller Foundation are Communist inspired organizations, which use the national media to foster their views.

1 December 1955

From the Political Campaign Collection. Postcard for Jim Eastland, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in 1942. The postcard lists times of radio broadcasts featuring Eastland. The postcard was mailed to U.S. Senator Theodore Bilbo.

August 1942

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