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Photocopy of a two-page typed letter with a handwritten postscript, dated Friday [June 26, 1964], from Joe Ellin to "Diane and Susan." The letter was written after approximately one week of Freedom Summer training in Oxford, Ohio. Joe describes his fellow volunteers and civil rights workers and some of their activities. He discusses the preparations he and Nancy must make before driving into Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and gives a bit of his preliminary knowledge of the area.

26 June 1964

Photocopy of a two-page typed letter written to "Mom and Dad" [Joe's parents] by Nancy and Joe Ellin on Thursday, July 9, [1964]. Freedom Schools, problems experienced by colleagues, and teaching experiences are topics discussed in the letter.

9 July 1964

Photocopy of a two-page typed letter, dated June 30, [1964], from Nancy Ellin to "Dr. and Mrs. Ellin [Joe's parents]." The letter was written a few days after Nancy and Joe reached Hattiesburg and describes the people and living conditions in the area. Daily activities are also mentioned in association with the Civil Rights Movement. The letter contains a postscript from Joe Ellin.

30 June 1964

Photocopy of a two-page typed letter written to "Mom and Dad" [Joe's parents] by Nancy and Joe Ellin on Thursday, July 9, [1964]. Freedom Schools, problems experienced by colleagues, and teaching experiences are topics discussed in the letter.

18 July 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Typewritten letter from Joe and Nancy Ellin to friends, no date given. Describes events in McComb, Mississippi, including the arrests of several civil rights workers and other acts of intimidation. Requests that the reader write letters to their public officials asking for support for a federal bill that will charge police officers who arrest voter registration workers and those attempting to register to vote with a misdemeanor. The Ellins also ask the recipient to request a temporary restraining order preventing McComb police and Pike County officials from interfering with voter registration.


Transcript of a letter from Joseph and Nancy Ellin to their children, dated 5 July 1964.

5 July 1964

Photocopy of a two-page typed letter from Joe and Nancy Ellin to "Mom and Dad" [Joe's parents], dated August 7, 1964. The letter discusses the lack of Freedom School materials and what types of books should be donated to help the cause. It describes what types of activities the volunteers were involved in, and the entertainment provided for them by supporters of the movement. The letter was written by Joe, with a postscript by Nancy. It is signed "Nancy/Joe."

7 August 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Typewritten letter from Nancy and Joe Ellin to the Kalamazoo Council on Human Relations, dated September 23, 1964. Requests that supporters of the Civil Rights Movement write letters to President Lyndon B. Johnson, Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and their congressmen asking for a continued federal presence in Mississippi. Mentions the unsolved bombings in McComb, Mississippi, as well as the two most recent acts of violence there.

23 September 1964

Photocopy of two typed letters on one page. They are dated August 7, 1964 and written by Nancy and Joe Ellin to "Friends, Family, and What Not," and to Susan. The first letter details the plans for unseating the regular Democratic Party delegation at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City in August. The letter asks for help in writing Congressmen to get them to recognize the MFDP. The second letter is written to Susan, and it talks about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and voter registration.

7 August 1964

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