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Transcribed copy of a typewritten letter from Jill Wakeman (Goodman) to friends, dated July 8, 1966, in which she discusses her friendship with Mrs. Simms, her hostess in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She also includes details about her experiences working with the movement, Vernon Dahmer, the Ku Klux Klan, and violence towards African Americans. Includes her personal observations about poverty, welfare, and living conditions for African Americans in Mississippi.

8 July 1966

Transcribed copy of a typewritten letter from Jill Wakeman (Goodman) to friends dated June 23, 1966, in which she recounts the trip to Hattiesburg, including brief stays in Mt. Beulah and at the home of Reverend Bob Beech. She also comments on her hostess in Hattiesburg, Mrs. Simms, the civil rights movement in Hattiesburg and Laurel, Mississippi, other workers in the movement, and her feelings about Mississippi in general.

23 June 1966

Transcribed copy of a handwritten letter from Jill Wakeman (Goodman) to friends dated Saturday, June 25 and Monday, June 27, 1966. Discusses the Meredith March against Fear and the rally held in Jackson afterwards, where speakers included civil rights leaders and celebrities such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Stokley Carmichael, Marlon Brando, Sammy Davis, and Burt Lancaster. She also provides details about the racially-charged atmosphere in Mississippi, as well as personal observations about the lives of African Americans in the state during the 1960s.

25 June 1966

Transcribed copy of a typewritten document about the experiences of Jill Wakeman (Goodman) during her stay in Mississippi in the summer of 1966, including her motives for going to Mississippi and the civil rights work she did there. Describes Mount Beulah, the conference center for the Delta Ministry Project, that housed homeless sharecroppers while they prepared to move to Freedom City, near Greenville, Mississippi. Wakeman describes the city of Hattiesburg and the state of integration there, as well as people she encountered, including Bob Beech, head of the Delta Ministry of Mississippi in Hattiesburg.


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