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From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; In this statement by J. Edgar Hoover to the National Commission on the Causes and Preventions of Violence, he notes the increase in violent crime in the U. S. and examines some of its origins. He believes that the largest cause of violence is a decreasing respect for the law and law enforcement officials. He contends that the Communist Party in the U. S. advocates violence and has encouraged communist participation in civil rights demonstrations and riots. He also mentions the part of the Ku Klux Klan and other white hate organizations in the increasing violence in the U. S. during the late 1960s. Hoover also blames militant black nationalist organizations for the violent crime increase.

18 August 1968

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; In his testimony before the House Subcommittee on Approbations Regarding Communist, Racial and Extremist Groups, J. Edgar Hoover stated that the New Left movement has been a growing subversive force in the United States. His testimony mentions details about Communist ties to the Student's for a Democratic Society, and other civil rights and anti-war organizations. He notes that militancy is on the rise among these groups and also among white hate groups and black nationalist movements. Hoover states the information about the Communist-front and racial hate groups has been gathered through informants who have infiltrated the organizations.

17 April 1969

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