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From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Typewritten letter from Senator Kenneth B. Keating to Dr. Israel Zwerling dated June 23, 1964. Keating responds to Zwerling's telegram about the disappearance of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwernerin Mississippi and assures him that the FBI has entered the investigation.

23 June 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Typewritten letter on Congressional letterhead from Senator Kenneth B. Keating to Dr. Israel Zwerling dated September 5, 1964. Keating affirms his support for civil rights workers in Mississippi and his advocacy for their protection by the federal government. He also mentions Zwerling's son, Matthew, a civil rights volunteer in Mississippi during the summer of 1964.

5 September 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection; Copy of a typewritten telegram from Senator Kenneth B. Keating to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, dated June 23, 1964, about the disappearance of two New York civil rights workers, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, in Mississippi. Goodman and Schwerner disappeared with Mississippian James Chaney near Philadelphia, Mississippi, in June 1964. Keating recommends that the Department of Justice assist in the investigation and suggests that U.S. Marshals be assigned to protect civil rights workers in Mississippi.

23 June 1964

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