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Oral history.; Interview conducted September 20, 2003 with Fern Gelford Lowenfels in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Fern Gelford Lowenfels was born in New York City and came to work in Mississippi as a recruit of the United Federation of Teachers. She worked in north Mississippi as a teacher in the Freedom Schools, and in voter registration. She discusses her early experiences with racism, her work with civil rights activists in Mississippi, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, and the Mississippi Freedom Project.


Oral history.; Transcript of interview conducted September 20, 2003 with Fern Gelford Lowenfels in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Fern Gelford Lowenfels was born in New York City and came to work in Mississippi as a recruit of the United Federation of Teachers. She worked in north Mississippi as a teacher in the Freedom Schools, and in voter registration. She discusses her early experiences with racism, her work with civil rights activists in Mississippi, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, and the Mississippi Freedom Project.


Oral history.; Interview conducted September 20, 2003 with Fern Gelford Lowenfels in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Fern Gelford Lowenfels was born in New York City and came to work in Mississippi as a recruit of the United Federation of Teachers. She worked in north Mississippi as a teacher in the Freedom Schools, and in voter registration. She discusses her early experiences with racism, her work with civil rights activists in Mississippi, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, and the Mississippi Freedom Project.


Oral history.; Interview conducted September 20, 2003 with Fern Gelford Lowenfels in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Fern Gelford Lowenfels was born in New York City and came to work in Mississippi as a recruit of the United Federation of Teachers. She worked in north Mississippi as a teacher in the Freedom Schools, and in voter registration. She discusses her early experiences with racism, her work with civil rights activists in Mississippi, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, and the Mississippi Freedom Project.


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