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Oral history.; Lee Magee was born on November 3, 1947 and was the son of sharecroppers. He grew up in the areas of Pinola and Midnight, Mississippi and finished his education in the fourth grade. Magee moved to Gulfport, Mississippi when he was seventeen years old and worked as a longshoreman for 22 years.


Oral history.; Lee Magee was born on November 3, 1947 and was the son of sharecroppers. He grew up in the areas of Pinola and Midnight, Mississippi and finished his education in the fourth grade. Magee moved to Gulfport, Mississippi when he was seventeen years old and worked as a longshoreman for 22 years.


Oral history.; Lee Magee was born on November 3, 1947 and was the son of sharecroppers. He grew up in the areas of Pinola and Midnight, Mississippi and finished his education in the fourth grade. Magee moved to Gulfport, Mississippi when he was seventeen years old and worked as a longshoreman for 22 years.


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