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From the Dahl (Kathleen) Freedom Summer Collection. Four-page letter authored by civil rights activist Ned Opton. Opton writes from Palmer's Crossing, near Hattiesburg, Mississippi, to coworkers and friends about the political, economic and social conditions facing African Americans in the South. He bases his assessment on observations made while volunteering with his wife, Gene, in Tchula and Hattiesburg during Freedom Summer 1964. He writes of attending a memorial service for James Chaney, one of three civil rights workers killed in Philadelphia, Mississippi, that summer.

19 August 1964

From the Dahl (Kathleen) Freedom Summer Collection. Two-page letter written by Ned Opton, begun on November 22, 1966 and continued on December 10, addressed to Kathy (Dahl) and John (presumed to be her first husband John Cummings Tappiener). Opton discusses the Free Speech Movement (FSM) part two at University of California, Berkeley, the status of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the whereabouts of a few named civil rights workers.

22 November 1966

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