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Oral history.; Alvin Pam was born December 13, 1934 in New York. He graduated from Brooklyn College with a degree in history, and went on to earn a master's degree in history from New York University. Though accepted to the history PhD program at the University of Rochester, Pam decided to pursue psychology instead. He then earned a master's in psychology from the University of Buffalo. He completed this degree during the summer of 1964. In this time period, he was a teacher in New York City, and heard about the opportunity to go to Mississippi to teach in Freedom Schools. He decided to go, and he was placed in Holly Springs.


Oral history.; Alvin Pam was born December 13, 1934 in New York. He graduated from Brooklyn College with a degree in history, and went on to earn a master's degree in history from New York University. Though accepted to the history PhD program at the University of Rochester, Pam decided to pursue psychology instead. He then earned a master's in psychology from the University of Buffalo. He completed this degree during the summer of 1964. In this time period, he was a teacher in New York City, and heard about the opportunity to go to Mississippi to teach in Freedom Schools. He decided to go, and he was placed in Holly Springs.


Oral history.; Alvin Pam was born December 13, 1934 in New York. He graduated from Brooklyn College with a degree in history, and went on to earn a master's degree in history from New York University. Though accepted to the history PhD program at the University of Rochester, Pam decided to pursue psychology instead. He then earned a master's in psychology from the University of Buffalo. He completed this degree during the summer of 1964. In this time period, he was a teacher in New York City, and heard about the opportunity to go to Mississippi to teach in Freedom Schools. He decided to go, and he was placed in Holly Springs.


Oral history.; Alvin Pam was born December 13, 1934 in New York. He graduated from Brooklyn College with a degree in history, and went on to earn a master's degree in history from New York University. Though accepted to the history PhD program at the University of Rochester, Pam decided to pursue psychology instead. He then earned a master's in psychology from the University of Buffalo. He completed this degree during the summer of 1964. In this time period, he was a teacher in New York City, and heard about the opportunity to go to Mississippi to teach in Freedom Schools. He decided to go, and he was placed in Holly Springs.


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