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From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; Simmons discusses segregation in the South, compares it to segregation in the Mid-west and in the North, argues segregation is a constitutionally protected right, and maintains the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Urban League are Communist-dominated organizations.

3 February 1958

From the Johnston (Erle E., Jr.) Papers; Typewritten letter on Citizens Councils of America letterhead from William J. Simmons to Erle Johnston, Jr., dated November 25, 1987. Discusses the Legal Education Advisory Committee (LEAC), as well as other issues in Johnston's book, "Mississippi: The Defiant Years." Includes a list of members of the LEAC.

25 November 1987

From the Johnston (Erle E., Jr.) Papers; Copy of a typed letter from William J. Simmons to Governor Ross R. Barnett, dated May 6, 1969, written in response to a speech by Barnett concerning James Meredith and integration at the University of Mississippi and other institutions of higher learning. Simmons also discusses his perception of the results of federally-enforced integration, as well as a speech given by Senator James Eastland regarding the nomination James Allen for secretary of the department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW)" According to Simmons, the issues discussed are directly related to a struggle for control.

6 May 1969

From the Johnston (Erle E., Jr.) Papers; Typewritten letter from William J. Simmons to Erle Johnston, Jr., dated November 18, 1987, in response to Johnston's request for information to be used in his book about Mississippi from 1953-1973. Topics discussed include integrated sporting events, the White Citizens council, the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, and issues related to the Sovereignty Commission during the administrations of Ross Barnett and J.P. Coleman. Also mentioned are the Voting Rights Act of 1968, the Reconstruction of the 1860s, and the New Reconstruction of the 1859s.

25 November 1987

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet stresses segregation is a successful system, because it is based on the realization that the races get along best when they are not forced to mingle socially.

28 February 1963

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