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From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Petition to the United States Senate from the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF). Discusses Senator Eastland's attacks on the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) and requests that the investigation of the National Conference for New Politics by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee be stopped.


From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Newsletter for Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) staff, dated May 24, 1968. Includes activity updates by SCEF staff members and discusses the Deep South Project, Southern Mountain Project, and other activities of the SCEF. (Incomplete; one or more pages missing.)

24 May 1968

From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Report by the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) staff that highlights the efforts of the SCEF. Provides information about the causes for which the organization works, including the work in the Deep South and the Grass Roots Organizing Work (GROW) Project. Also requests financial support for their work.


From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. Memo from the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF). Notifies interested parties of the May 13 trial of H. Rap Brown, chair of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, in New Orleans on a weapons charge. The memo calls for action against the federal weapons law, which prohibits an indicted person from carrying a gun. Brown later change hiis name to Jamil Al-Amin).

9 May 1968

From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Brochure designed by the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) to inform people of the economic problems in the South and to encourage poor whites to join forces with Blacks to work for economic and social equality. Also describes the development of the SCEF and its efforts to end segregation.


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