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From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription of a letter from Irene Stuart Limerick, the organist at Rodney Church during the Battle of Rodney, Mississippi, to J. Archer Turpin on October 5, 1915 describing the events of the battle. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.

05 October 1915

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription from an article appearing in "The Tensas Gazette" in St. Joseph, Louisiana, detailing the capture of Union soldiers by the Confederacy in Rodney, Mississippi. Transcript written by M. James Stevens.

27 December 1915

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription from "The Port Hudson Campaign 1862-1863" by Edward Cunningham, published in 1963, detailing the campaigns of the Confederacy in those regions and the capture of Union General Neal Dow. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.


From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription of a letter from Acting Master Walter E. H. Fentress while being held by the Confederates in Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia, to Rear Admiral David S. Porter, the Commander of the Mississippi Squadren of the Union Army. In the letter, Fentress describes how he and his fellow troops were taken prisoner and asks his commanding officer's forgiveness. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.

15 November 1863

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription of an article appearing in "The Historical Foundation of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches", published in August 1970, detailing the unique history of Rodney Presbyterian Church in Rodney, Mississippi. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription from the "Military Record of Louisiana" by Napier Bartlett, published in 1875 by L. Graham & Co., describing the military history of Confederate soldier Cicero M. Allen who, among other accomplishments, captured Union soldiers at the Battle of Rodney Presbyterian Church in Rodney, Mississippi. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.


From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription of a letter from Columbus H. Allen, former private in the Confederate Army and twin brother to Lieutenant Cicere M. Allen, to James A. Turpin in Waterproof, Louisiana, describing the capture of Union soldiers under the command of Acting Master Walter E. H. Fentress during the battle at Rodney Church in Rodney, Mississippi. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.

20 October 1915

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A series of notes written on scrap and notebook paper detailing various articles and sources with information concerning the history of Rodney, Mississippi.

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A document describing that Walter E. H. Fentress wrote "Centennial History of the U.S. Navy Yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire" in 1876. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.


From the M. James Stevens Collection. A summary of sources used in Stevens' research of the battle at Rodney church, including "The Rodney Church Indident" by David Knapp, Jr.


From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription of a letter from Mary Clark Hart, a survivor of the battle at Rodney Church in Rodney, Mississippi, to J. Archer Turpin in Waterproof, Louisiana. Hart was a child during the battle and describes her experiences in the church as well as the threats from Union soldiers after the battle. Transcription written by M. James Stevens.

02 September 1915

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A transcription from an article appearing in "The Tensas Gazette" in St. Joseph, Louisiana, detailing the capture of Union soldiers by the Confederacy in Rodney, Mississippi. Transcript written by M. James Stevens.

January 1916

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A summary of the battle at Rodney Presbyterian Church on September 13, 1863 between Acting Master Walter E. H. Fentress commanding the USS Rattler and Confederate forces. Fentress and his men left his ship to attend services at the church, and Confederate forces began a surprise attack and took Fentress and others as prisoners of war. Summary written by M. James Stevens using information attained from the "Officlal Records 'Naval Forces on Western Waters Log of USS Rattler'" published by the US Navy.

17 January 1971

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