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From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. Two young boys on the porch of the Second Freedom Summer School in Greenville, Mississippi.

July - August 1964

From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. Mr. Albert Peters, age 94, at his home in Greenville.

July - August 1964

From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. Side view of the Second Freedom School.

July - August 1964

From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. Storefront in Jackson, MIssissippi, advertising "Goldwater for President".

July - August 1964

From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. Full view of the second Freedom School visited by Whyte.

July - August 1964

From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. Sign states "Mississippi Law STOP" in an unknown location.

July - August 1964

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