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Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father dated July 7, 1964, in which she discusses Ross Barnett and other Southern politicians and their influence on the racial attitudes of many southern whites. She goes on to say that people living in the North should act against the racial inequality in the South.

7 July 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father dated July 5, 1964. Zeman writes about possible dates for her father to come to Mississippi to help with the health team on the Mississippi Freedom Project. She mentions the Freedom rides and important people in the civil rights efforts.

5 July 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father, dated July 3, 1964, 9:10am. Zeman writes that she is safe and staying at the home of Dr. Aaron Henry in Clarksdale, Mississippi. She is having an enjoyable time, but needs to work on fixing up the building for the community center.

3 July 1964

Zoya Zeman's senior thesis was written after her participation in the Mississippi Freedom Project in the summer of 1964. Putting her work into context, she begins with a description of the background history of Mississippi. Zeman then recounts her entire Freedom Summer experience, beginning with training in Oxford, Ohio. She describes the scope and goals of the Mississippi Freedom Project, and examines the volunteers who participated in the civil rights movement as well as the public's perception of them. Zeman describes her own work and the local harassment she and others endured during their summer in Mississippi. In conclusion, she discusses race relations and some of the results of her summer in Mississippi.


Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father, Dr. Erwin D. Zeman, dated July 1, 1964. Zeman writes about her activities as a Freedom Summer volunteer in Clarksdale, Mississippi, during her first three days in Mississippi.

1 July 1964

From the Zoya Zeman Freedom Summer Collection. Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father, after two phone conversations, dated March 5, 1964. Zeman writes that she will apply as a volunteer for the Mississippi Freedom Project and will send an informational packet home to her parents.

5 March 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her father dated July 6, 1964, in which she writes about the plans of civil rights workers to help more citizens of Mississippi become active in state and local government and to attend the Democratic National Convention at the end of the summer. She also discusses her financial situation and future plans.

6 July 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her family dated April 26, 1964. Zeman began writing this letter on April 26 after attending a conference at Stanford University, and then finished it on May 23, 1964. Zeman explains that the main purpose of the conference was to outline the civil rights summer projects being organized throughout the United States, with emphasis on the Mississippi Summer Project.

26 April 1964

Oral history.; Interview conducted on April 18, 1996 with Zoya Zeman (born 1943). Ms. Zeman was a civil rights activist who worked on the Mississippi Summer Project in Clarksdale, where she worked at the community center, organizing classes and doing health education and literacy work.

18 April 1996

From the Zoya Zeman Freedom Summer Collection. Thirty-six pages (typewritten and handwritten) recounting Zoya Zeman's experiences in Mississippi from June 24, 1964, through September 6, 1964.

24 June - 6 September 1964

Transcribed copy of a letter from Zoya Zeman to her family dated May 23, 1964, in which she writes about preparations for her summer participation in the Mississippi Freedom Project. She also asks for input from her family about her summer schedule and coordinating time to spend with them.

23 May 1964

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