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From the Spears (Lawrence D.) Civil Rights Collection. <br>Untitled Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) memo summarizing two statements given to the FBI regarding the attack on Lawrence Spears, David Owen, and Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld on July 10, 1964, in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The statements were given on the day of the attack. The report is incomplete, and portions are blacked out.

[10 July 1964]

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of David Owen receiving treatment for head and arm injuries sustained after he and fellow voter registration volunteers Lawrence Spears and Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld were attacked by two Caucasian men from Collins, Mississippi. The assault took place at 11:30 a.m. on July 10, 1964, as they were walking to Morning Star Baptist Church with Hattiesburg resident Janet Crosby and another young African-American woman after a morning of voter registration canvassing.

10 July 1964

From the Spears (Lawrence D.) Civil Rights Collection. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) teletype from the Director to the New Orleans office, dated July 10, 1964. Gives instructions to conduct an investigation into an attack on Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Lawrence Spears, and David Owen that occurred in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on July 10, 1964. The three civil rights workers were attacked by two men from Collins, Mississippi, and beaten with iron pipes as they returned from voter registration canvassing during Freedom Summer.

10 July 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Transcribed copy of a letter from Joseph Ellin to the Gazette, dated July 10, 1964. Discusses freedom schools, freedom school students, volunteers, and education. Ellin also discusses the discrimination against African Americans in Mississippi with regard to voting and judicial procedures.

10 July 1964

A three-page typed letter written by Joseph Ellin to "the Editor of the [Kalamazoo] Gazette," July 10, 1964. The document describes the local violence associated with the movement, the conditions in Hattiesburg, and opinions on desegregation. Also included in the letter are reactions to the Civil Rights Bill among locals. The lack of black political power and their ignorance of notable blacks in history are mentioned as well.

10 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of a close-up photograph of SNCC Field Secretary Dona Richards Moses in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, during Freedom Summer, 1964. Her husband, Bob Moses, also served as a SNCC Field Secretary as well as director of the Freedom Summer Project.

10 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld shortly after he and fellow voter registration volunteers Lawrence Spears and David Owen were attacked by two Caucasian men from Collins, Mississippi. The assault took place at 11:30 a.m. on July 10, 1964, as they were walking to Morning Star Baptist Church with Hattiesburg resident Janet Crosby and another young African American woman after a morning of voter registration canvassing. This photograph was published the following day on the front page of the New York Journal American under the banner headline "The Beaten Rabbi / Racists Did This".

10 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of a close-up of Casey Hayden, a SNCC staff member who came to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, from the SNCC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, during Freedom Summer, 1964.

10 July 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This document from [?] Whitman relates some of his experiences networking for the AFL-CIO and the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) and the possible allying of the labor movement with African American voters.

8-10 July [1964]

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