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Photocopy of a two-page typed and handwritten letter, dated [July 11, 1964] from Joe Ellin to "kids" [Susan and Diane]. In this document, Joe's frustrations are evident in the tone he uses in writing. He talks of a lack of teaching materials in the Freedom Schools and the communication gaps between teachers and students. The second page (and bottom of the first page) is a handwritten postscript added by Joe on the 13th and 14th of July.

11 July 1964

From the Spears (Lawrence D.) Civil Rights Collection. <br>Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) teletype from the New Orleans office to the Director dated July 11, 1964. Describes the attack on Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Lawrence Spears, and David Owen, that occurred in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on July 10, 1964. One page has been left out, and portions of the document are blacked out.

11 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of David Owen, Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, and Lawrence Spears (left to right) on July 11, 1964, the day after they were assaulted in Hattiesburg by two men from nearby Collins, Mississippi. At the time of the assault, the three men were walking to Morning Star Baptist Church with Hattiesburg resident Janet Crosby and another young African American woman after a morning of voter registration canvassing. This photograph was taken in the 600 block of Mobile Street, near the COFO-Hattiesburg headquarters at 507 Mobile Street.

11 July 1964

From the Campbell (Will D.) Papers; Typewritten letter and proposal written by Hugh and Anne Wire to Leslie Dunbar of the Southern Regional Council, dated July 11, 1964." A Presbyterian minister, Hugh Wire writes for advice in relocating to a city in the South in order to implement his proposed plan for ministry there. Included is a detailed narrative of the proposal.

11 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld leaving Methodist Hospital in Hattiesburg, Mississippi in a wheelchair on July 11, 1964, upon being released. Rabbi Lelyveld was hospitalized after being assaulted the day before along with other volunteers Lawrence Spears and David Owen. Members of the Jewish community in Hattiesburg paid the Rabbi's medical bills and one of them, quietly entering his hospital room, placed on his bedside a copy of a Jewish prayer book, which he is holding in his hand in this photograph.

11 July 1964

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