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From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Decision of the United States Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, in the case of Fannie Lou Hamer, et all., vs. Cecil C. Campbell, et al., handed down on March 11, 1966. The Court ruled to postpone the upcoming election of municipal officials in Sunflower County, Mississippi, on the grounds that some citizens of that county were denied the right to register to vote because of racial discrimination.

11 March 1966

From the University Union and Student Activities Record Group. Student Printz, Vol. 39, No. 33, from March 11, 1966. Columns include, "Blond Chi Omega Penny Hale USM's new 'Best Dressed-Coed'", "Home Ec opens center for Infant Development", "Linda Mann alternate in Wednesday contest", "Student elected to high position in Kappa Delta Pi", "War correspondent Spence to join Ambassador as top SCOPE speakers", "Deadline given for petitions", "Haines returns to USM as public relations asst.", "Elam Arms plans two benefits for fire victims", "Summer Vacation theme of Hillcrest fashion show", "Reposing on Leaf River Riveria", "Southern Scenes here again; by jove, they've nearly got it", "From Ben Franklin to The Kid", "In the land of Dr. Strangelove", "Expansion plans pending", "Debators take three trophies at MSCW, Oklahoma meets", "Weathersby move for Spring quarter opens more ofices", "USM freshman witnesses tornado strike Jackson shopping center", "Student teachers urged to report", "English classes have off day Wednesday", "Golden Giants close with losing record", "USM netters meet Memphis here Sat.", "Three students challenge world bowling record", "Golf team opens season with 'Bama, Spring Hill", "Pikes, Kappa Sigs tell of harrowing experiences in fire", "'Killer' tornado takes 52 lives", "New voice appears from toils of labor", "Rehearsals begin for spring opera, 'Dido and Aeneas'", "Faculty recital hails Italian 'opera buffa'", "'Physicists' tryouts set for Monday and Tuesday", "UAC books hypnotist for Southern", "CLASSIFIED", "The Student Printz presents USM's 1966 Best Dressed Coeds...", "604 students make winter quarter honor lists", and "Liquor question provokes interest among students".

11 March 1966

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