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From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Anne Strickland writes to Ed Hamlett, Mississippi state director of the White Folks Project (WFP), that she will arrive in Jackson on July 17 in time to attend the orientation that weekend.

13 July 1964

From the Spears (Lawrence D.) Civil Rights Collection. <br>Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) teletype from the Director to the New Orleans office, dated July 13, 1964. Includes instructions for conducting the investigation of an attack on Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Lawrence Spears, and David Owen, that occurred in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on July 10, 1964.

13 July 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Typewritten letter from Representative William F. Ryan to Dr. and Mrs. Israel Zwerling dated July 13, 1964. Ryan writes of his recent visit with their son, Matthew Zwerling. He also mentions Dr. Aaron Henry, a civil rights worker from Clarksdale, Mississippi, and the benefit of Matthew's association with him.

13 July 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Typewritten letter from Patrick (Jones) to Nancy and Joe Ellin, dated July 13, 1964. Discusses race relations in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and expresses sympathy and concern for the Ellins. Patrick also states that he has written letters to the President and Attorney General in support of the civil rights movement in Mississippi.

13 July 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. recounts a visit of two Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) workers with Mr. George, the Assistant Principal of Biloxi High School.

13 July [1964]

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. This document from Nelson Blackstock recounts a meeting of a few Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) workers with a local man involved in organizing labor unions. It also gives an account of a racist conversation about integration that Blackstock overheard in a barber shop.

12-13 July [1964]

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection; Carbon copy of a typewritten letter from Dr. Israel Zwerling to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, dated July 13, 1964. Zwerling expresses disdain for the disparaging remarks made by Police Chief Ben Collins of Clarksdale, Mississippi, to the New York Times regarding civil rights volunteers in Mississippi. He also requests an increase in the presence of federal authorities in the South to protect civil rights workers from harassment, brutality, and intimidation.

13 July 1964

From the Spears (Lawrence D.) Civil Rights Collection. <br>Memo from Alex(" Rosen to Alan ") Belmont dated July 13, 1964, about the attack on Lawrence Spears, David Owen, and Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on July 10, 1964. The memo mentions that Spears' father was in the FBI from 1942-1945. Portions of the document are blacked-out.

13 July 1964

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