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Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives; Includes Communication of the Secretary of War, John C. Breckinridge, and an estimate for funds to meet the deficiencies in the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, C.S.A. for part of the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1864.

22 February 1865

A Bill: Requiring suit to be brought against persons connected with the Cotton Bureau and Cotton Office in Texas. By Mr. Herbert; January 20, 1865 - Read first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. March 2, 1865 - Reported back with amendment, laid on the table and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America.

20 January 1865

A Bill: To amend the Act entitled, "An Act: To organize forces to serve during the war," approved 17 February 1864. By Mr. Sparrow, from Committee on Military Affairs; Read first time and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 13 February 1865.

13 February 1865

From the Alexander Melvorne Jackson Papers. A letter from Alexander M. Jackson to his wife, Cordelia Jackson, regarding traveling and other business.

09 October 1865

From the Alexander Melvorne Jackson Papers. A letter from Thomas J. Word to Alexander M. Jackson regarding the aftermath and disappointment of the civil war.

26 September 1865

Resolution: In favor of abolishing Provost Guards. By Mr. J.M. Leach; Laid on the table and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 04 March 1865.

04 March 1865

Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives; Includes Report of the Commissioners, Alexander H. Stephens, R.M.T. Hunter, and J.A. Campbell; Also includes Extract from Mr. Lincoln's Message of December Last, Referred to in the Foregoing Report.

06 February 1865

Message of the President to the House of Representatives. Includes Communication from Secretary of Navy.

17 February 1865

The Monroe Doctrine. Speech of Hon. D.C. DeJarnette, of Virginia, in the Confederate House of Representatives. Pending Negotiations for Peace.

30 January 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to levy additional taxes for the year 1865, for the support of the Government." By Mr. Lyon, form Committee of Ways and Means; Read first and second times, made order of the day for Friday, 20th January, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 18 January 1865.

18 January 1865

Resolutions: Adopted by Bratton's Brigade, South Carolina Volunteers January 30th, 1865 By Mr. Simpson; Ordered to be laid on the table and printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 06 February 1865.

06 February 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to levy and collect Taxes for the Common Defence, and for the Support of the Government for the year 1865, and to repeal certain Tax laws." By Mr. Anderson, from the Committee on Ways and Means; Minority report of Committee of Ways and Means on Tax Bill.

20 January 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to provide payment for horses killed or lost in the service of the Confederate States." By Mr. Wickham, from Committee on Military Affairs; Read first and second times, made special order after existing special order, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 05 January 1865.

05 January 1865

Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives; Includes Communication of the Secretary of War, John C. Breckinridge, and an estimate by Alfred Chapman, Disb'g Clk. War Department; Referred to Committee of Ways and Means.

27 February 1865

Special Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Subject of the Finances.

09 January 1865

Resolutions: Adopted by the Officers and Men of the 57th Virginia Regiment. By the Chair; Laid on the table and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 30 January 1865.

30 January 1865

From the United States. Army. Provost-Marshal's Office (4th District, Richmond, VA.) Documents. Partially completed form from April 1865, used to certify that deserters from the Confederate forces had taken the Amnesty Oath issued under the President's Proclamation of 8 December 1863.

April 1865

Joint Resolutions of confidence in and thanks to President Jefferson Davis. By the Chair; Laid on the table and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 10 January 1865.

10 January 1865

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