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A Bill: Requiring suit to be brought against persons connected with the Cotton Bureau and Cotton Office in Texas. By Mr. Herbert; January 20, 1865 - Read first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. March 2, 1865 - Reported back with amendment, laid on the table and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America.

20 January 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to levy and collect Taxes for the Common Defence, and for the Support of the Government for the year 1865, and to repeal certain Tax laws." By Mr. Anderson, from the Committee on Ways and Means; Minority report of Committee of Ways and Means on Tax Bill.

20 January 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to provide for auditing and paying for horses and equipments taken from dismounted cavalrymen for the use of the Government. By Mr Akin; Read first and second times, placed on the Calendar, and ordered to e printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 20 January 1865.

20 January 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act providing for the auditing and payment of properly authenticated claims." By Mr. Herbert, from Committee on Claims; Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 20 January 1865.

20 January 1865

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act providing for the auditing and payment of properly authenticate claims against the Cotton Bureau in the Trans-Mississippi Department." By Mr. Herbert, from the Committee on Claims; Read first and second times, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 20 January 1865.

20 January 1865

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