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From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Compiled by Freedom School students, articles in this newspaper discuss various forms of racism in Hattiesburg, slavery, and various perceptions of freedom in America according to African-American youths.

20 July 1964

From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. William Cober (Cohen) of New York, plays and sings for a Freedom School in Greenville, Mississippi.

20 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of Peter Werner (Flint, Michigan; a graduate student at the University of Michigan and a refugee from Nazi Germany) talking on the phone shortly after having been assaulted while walking in downtown Hattiesburg with two other volunteers. Werner was a Freedom School teacher at True Light Baptist Church in Hattiesburg. Note the slash across his nose. Close-up.

20 July 1964

From the Whyte (Iain) Civil Right Collection. Photograph from Reverend Whyte's time in Mississippi during the summer of 1964 in Greenville and Jackson. Jim Crockett of California shows a little girl how to drum at a Freedom School in Greenville, Mississippi.

20 July 1964

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to Israel and Florence Zwerling, dated July 14, 1964. Discusses the focus of civil rights volunteers in Clarksdale, Mississippi, on registering local people for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) before the up-coming Freedom Vote.

20 July 1964

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, dated July 20, 1964. Discusses working for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) registering people to vote and the positive response received from this effort. Zwerling also discusses the upcoming Freedom Day, and notes the change in his living quarters.

20 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of Peter Werner (Flint, Michigan; a graduate student at the University of Michigan) shortly after having been assaulted while walking in downtown Hattiesburg with two other volunteers -- close-up.

20 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of volunteers William D. Jones and Susan Patterson talking together shortly after Peter Werner was assaulted in their company while walking in downtown Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Jones, Patterson, and Werner all taught in the Freedom School at True Light Baptist Church during Freedom Summer, 1964. Jones later changed his name to Umoja Kwanguvu.

20 July 1964

From the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs. Photograph (positive image of a negative) of Peter Werner talking on the phone shortly after having been assaulted while walking in downtown Hattiesburg, Mississippi, with two other volunteers, Susan Patterson and William D. Jones. The beating took place on July 20 during Freedom Summer, 1964.

20 July 1964

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