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From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; The newsletter of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), this issue of the Student Voice (Vol. 5, no. 22), is dated September 23, 1964. A major portion of the publication is dedicated to bombings and other violent incidents that occurred in McComb, Mississippi, in the summer of 1964. Other reports discuss the inclusion of African-American candidates on election ballots throughout the South, as well as other on-going political activities."(Note on images) At the time of publication, the layout of the text between pages two and three of the original document was such that text spanned the gutter. During the scanning of pages two and three, the Special Report section of the document was split right down the middle of a column of text. In this digtal reproduction, an image for the text that spans the gutter was inserted between the images for pages two and three, and marked for identification as "GUTTER TEXT".

23 September 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Typewritten letter from Nancy and Joe Ellin to the Kalamazoo Council on Human Relations, dated September 23, 1964. Requests that supporters of the Civil Rights Movement write letters to President Lyndon B. Johnson, Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and their congressmen asking for a continued federal presence in Mississippi. Mentions the unsolved bombings in McComb, Mississippi, as well as the two most recent acts of violence there.

23 September 1964

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