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From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection. Memo from COFO director Robert Moses to contacts and parents of students volunteering in Mississippi. Moses writes of the continuing potential for violence and describes steps taken by COFO to protect Freedom Summer workers.

27 June 1964

From the Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph taken from the inside of a bus which was preparing to leave Oxford, Ohio, to go to Mississippi on June 27, 1964. Volunteers and COFO staff outside the buses sang freedom songs to those about to leave for Mississippi.

27 June 1964

From the Hamlett (Ed) White Folks Project Collection. Anne Strickland writes to Ed Hamlett, Mississippi state director of the White Folks Project (WFP), to tell him that her parents will provide bail money, if needed, and that she may be able to arrive in Mississippi by July 21.

27 June 1964

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