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From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Typewritten letter from the Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) staff, dated December 28, 1964. Informs friends of COFO of the plans to send 1,000 people to Washington, D.C. on January 4, 1965, for the Congressional Challenge, as well as plans for new programs and demonstrations. Requests financial support and states that the organization is currently out of money.

28 December 1964

From the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; News release by the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) reporting the police beating of Joe Schwartz, a COFO worker. Schwartz was stopped by police and beaten after an office accused him of using profanity. The release also briefly mentions other recent acts of violence in the Hattiesburg, Mississippi, area.

28 December 1964

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