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From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Eddie Germano. The Ranger 7 spacecraft is shown with a face and arms. Ranger 7 is playing a guitar and singing as it approaches its final destination, the moon. Musical notes, stars, galaxies, and lunar craters are seen. The cartoon caption reads, "By the light of the silvery moon."

3 August 1964

Transcribed copy of a three-page letter from Jinny Glass to Zoya Zeman. Glass writes about her decision to go to Mississippi to work on the Mississippi Summer Project and discusses how the decision to go was hard to make because of her family. Glass explains that she believes the main problem in the South is the lack of education for both African Americans and Caucasians.

3 August 1964

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, dated August 3, 1964. Discusses an incident in which Zwerling was arrested for speeding, but not jailed. He also asks his parents for money for the project and car repairs.

3 August 1964

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