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From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The author maintains that trickery and propaganda from Communist-affiliated organizations, such as the National Advancement for the Association of Colored People, and the American Civil Liberties Union, have pressured certain Congresspersons into promoting civil rights legislation.

April 1967

From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Statement to Attorney General Ramsey Clark compiled by the National Committee for Free Elections in Sunflower (NCFES) and delivered by a delegation led by Congressman William F. Ryan and Bayard Rustin. Urges Clark to send voting officials and observers to Sunflower County, Mississippi, for the May 2, 1967, elections. Highlights challenges and fears faced by potential African American voters in Mississippi. NCFES contact persons listed are Sandra Nystrom and Eleanor Holmes Norton.

26 April 1967

From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Program for the Ninth Annual Freedom Day Rally held at St. Paul Methodist Church in Meridian, Mississippi, on April 26, 1964.

26 April 1967

From the Johnston (Erle E., Jr.) Papers; Typewritten letter from Kenneth Dean to Robert Nash dated April 4, 1967, in which Dean voices his concerns about the continued racial violence and discrimination in Mississippi. Dean describes an incident in which an African-American man, Second Lieutenant in the Air Force, was severely beaten by a gang of white men in Jackson, Mississippi. When taken to the University Medical Center there, he was initially refused assistance, and finally given minimal treatment for his injuries.

4 April 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Ed Valtman. Vice President Hubert Humphrey smiles at President Lyndon Johnson as he points with thumb to one of many [pudding] splatters on his suit coat. Humphrey says, "...and this was presented in Paris for outstanding courage in facing a mob of Vietniks." Johnson leans over Humphrey and smiles.

12 April 1967

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