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From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection; The memo from Anne Braden to the Southern Student Organizing Committee discusses approaches to Civil Rights organizing in the South. Braden feels that white students should work at organizing poor white southerners, and that African American students should organize African American communities. She also notes that organizing in the white community means convincing poor white southerners that they need to team up with African American organizations in order to fight economic oppression.

February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eddie Germano. Richard Nixon is in his bathroom, standing at the sink before the mirror, preparing to shave his face. He has a full cup of shaving foam and has applied a large coat of foam, labeled "Dick's new image," to his face with a brush. The basin is full of water, and the razor is on the shelf. Nixon looks at his reflection in the mirror and thinks, "I'm well fixed for blades this time!"

15 February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. The front of a greeting card shows Leonid Brezhnez holding the Communist sickle and Mao Zedong the hammer, each threatening each other. Both men have their eyes closed. The cartoon caption reads, "Say it with hammer and sickle."

14 February 1967

From the William M. Colmer Papers. A booklet titled "Vietnam: Observations on American Policies" by Major General Thomas A. Lane.

February 1967

From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Typewritten letter from Congressman Benjamin S. Rosenthal to Victoria Jackson Gray (Adams), dated February 3, 1967. Rosenthal assures Gray that the complaints of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) have been acknowledged and includes a copy of a letter from John Doar, Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Division, United States Department of Justice.

3 February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. A man in colonial clothing and a Mardi Gras mask has a thermometer in his mouth. The thermometer is labeled, "Fever pitch," and the end has exploted. The words, "Mardi Gras '67" are near the man's head, and the cartoon caption reads, "Happy delirium."

07 February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. In the foreground of the cartoon is a donkey. On the donkey's neck is a huge horse shoe or a yoke with "Cast iron" on it. The horse shoe or yoke is so heavy it has forced the donkey's head to the ground, and the donkey's front legs are splayed. Nearby is Robert Kennedy holding a small sign with "'72." The cartoon caption reads, "Good luck in '68."

19 February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. A man labeled, "Demo voter in district B" is running with a large spiral notepad that reads, "Memo Feb. 11th (Things to do today). Run down to the polls and vote in the run off."

11 February 1967

From the Map Collection. Descriptive note below the map: "Map of Mississippi as it appeared in 1822, five years after its admission as a state. Hinds County as shown was ceded by the Choctaw Indians in 1820. Covington County was formed in 1819, Perry in 1820, Monroe and Hinds in 1821, and the others shown existed at the time of admission in 1817, with some differences in boundaries. Compliments of Tom L. Ketchings Company, Natchez, Mississippi." Map shows counties and territories of Indian nations (Chicasaw and Choctaw).

18 February 1967

From the Goodman (Jill Wakeman) Civil Rights Collection. <br>Brochure published by the Delta Ministry to solicit funds for Freedom City in Greenville, Mississippi. Lists the ways in which donations will be allocated to provide suitable housing for homeless sharecroppers and their families. Includes photographs by Nash Basom.

[February 1967]

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Lyndon Johnson, dressed as the captain of a ship, stands at the helm of the "U.S.S. Economy." He is steering the ship between the tips of two icebergs labeled "Recession" and "Inflation." His eyes appear to be closed. The cartoon caption reads, "The object is to sail between."

05 February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Uncle Sam is dressed as a letter carrier. His clothes are patched and threadbare, and he is labeled, "Post Office deficit." He is carrying a full mail bag over his shoulder as he walks. In the bottom right corner are the words, "5-cent letter, etc." and "Higher postal rates."

12 February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. A man dressed in a black overcoat labeled, "CIA" holds a large bag of money that has a hole in the bottom. Behind the man is a trail of collars and coins, labeled "Subsidies for private groups trail." He looks over his shoulder and says, "How in the world did you know who I am?"

24 February 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Vic Runtz. A man wearing a trenchcoat and a pin labeled "CIA" sits on the floor covering his head with his hands. From the left of the cartoon, someone shouts "Trying to subvert us liberals!" From the right of the cartoon, someone shouts,"We right-wingers didn't get our share!" The man is being hit from both sides by bricks, eggs, and other refuse. Runtz's signature cat is in the foreground writing on a piece of paper. The cartoon caption reads, "A secret policeman's lot is not a happy one."

28 February 1967

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