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A Bill: To be entitled, " An Act to amend An act entitled, 'An act to regulate the destruction of property under military necessity and to provide for the indemnity thereof'." By Mr. Foster; Read the first and second times and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 17 January 1863.

17 January 1863

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to increase and strengthen the army of the Confederate States." By Mr. Royster; Read first and second times, referred to Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 22 January 1863.

22 January 1863

From the Camp (David A.) Letters. Letter from David A. Camp, captain in Company D of the 16th Battalion of Georgia Calvary (also called the Georgia Partisan Rangers), to his wife Anna Camp. In his letter dated 15 January 1863, Camp writes from Camp Heath, Tennessee, about his health, life in the military, and recent activities around the Cumberland Gap.

15 January 1863

Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Confederate States.

12 January 1863

Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Confederate States Patent Office, Richmond. To Hon., Thos. S. Bocock, Speaker of House of Representatives, C.S.A.

January 1863

House Resolutions: Endorsing the recent proclamation and order of the President on the subject of retaliation. By Mr. Vest; read first and second times, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 13 January 1863.

13 January 1863

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to prohibit Quartermasters and others from speculating." By Mr Dargan; Read first and second times, referred to Committee on Quartermaster and Commissary Departments, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 19 January 1863.

19 January 1863

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to declare what persons shall be exempt from military service." By Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs; Read first and second times, made special order for tomorrow, 21st January, and from day to day until disposed of, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 20 January 1863.

20 January 1863

An address to the people of the Free States by the President of the Southern Confederacy. Richmond, January 5, 1863.

05 January 1863

From the M. James Stevens Collection. A black and white photograph of the USS Rattler patrolling the Mississippi River during the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War.

January 1863

House Resolutions: Respecting the present war, and the causes leading thereto. By Mr. Foster; Read first and second times, and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 20 January 1863.

20 January 1863

A Bill: Continuing in pay all discharged soldiers by reason of wounds and injuries received in the service. By Mr. Read; Read first and second times, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs,and ordered to be printed by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 23 January 1863.

23 January 1863

A Bill: To be entitled, "An Act to provide for the further issue of treasury notes, and for other purposes. Enacted by the Congress of the Confederate States of America on 23 January 1863.

23 January 1863

Message of the President to the House of Representatives; Includes a Letter of the Secretary of War, James A. Seddon, a Report of Colonel Imboden, and Orders of General Milroy.

17 January 1863

Message of the President to the Senate and House of Representatives; Includes Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, C. G. Memminger, Statement of the Postmaster General, John H. Reagan, and an Estimate of the Amount, Robert Tyler, Register of the Treasury.

15 January 1863

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