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From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Former Alabama governor George Wallace is wearing an apron and carrying a feather duster. He answers the phone at the governor's desk, with "Gov. Lurleen Wallace" on the name plate. Wallace says, "The governor isn't in right now...may I take a message?"

18 January 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Mao Zedong is riding in a taxi being pulled by the Grim Reaper, who is labeled, "Cultural Revolution." Drops of sweat (exhaustion?) are near Mao's head, and his eyes are closed. The cartoon caption reads, "Who's in charge?"

17 January 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Ed Valtman. A huge package tied with rope and labeled "U.S. aid to Vietnam" is missing a large chunk out of one corner. The missing area is labeled "$27.3 million lost through theft and pilfering." Tracks are drawn going in all directions from the package. Uncle Sam and a man with a sign labeled "A.I.D." stand in the lower right foreground of the cartoon. Uncle Sam appears to be stunned at the sight. The man says, "Not so bad if you figure it's only 6% of the whole thing."

11 January 1967

From the Adams (Victoria Gray) Papers. <br>Proposed agenda and schedule of events for the executive sessions of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, January 28-29, 1967.

January 1967

cartoon by Ed Valtman; A man labeled "Baker" is holding a hat for donations. The hat is labeled "For Needy Senators," and there is a hole in the bottom of it. A hand is dropping $10,000 into the hat while Baker is catching the money that is falling out of the bottom of the hat.

18 January 1967

cartoon by Ed Valtman; A man is poised to sit in a chair in front of the bench in the chamber of the House of Representatives. A tack labeled "Powell case" has been placed in the chair. The man holds a piece of paper labeled "Congressional agenda" in front of his face and carries a briefcase labeled "House" under one arm.

4 January 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. A man smoking a pipe is standing next to a wall with a sign on it that reads, "Demo. nomination for District B city council seat." He is looking toward a black desk telephone that is labeled, "Vote tomorrow." The cartoon caption reads, "A direct hot line to City Hall...use it!"

27 January 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Vic Runtz. A nervous looking man labeled "Congress" stands in front of the Capitol building, looking up at the dome, and yells "Careful!" A giant-sized hand labeled, "Proposed Adam Clayton Powell censure" is grasping the dome of the Capitol and is shaking it. Behind the man, Runtz's signature cat puts its paw to its mouth and looks amused. The cartoon caption reads, "Who knows what may shake loose?"

4 January 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Massachusetts senator Tip O'Neill sits in the chair of his office, feet on his desk. He is wearing a large button on his lapel with the words, "The 90th "Go slow" Congress." His file cabinet is nearby, one drawer open. O'Neill holds a paper with the words, "Admin. proposals...Taxes, etc." and says, "I'll file it under 'L' for 'Let's not be hasty.' "

22 January 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. A bear with a hammer and sickle symble is in the lower foreground of the cartoon, with the background landscape labeled, "Sino-Soviet dispute." Above the bear in the air is a dragon, also with a hammer and sickle symbol on it, labeled "Red China's power struggle convulsions." The dragon appears in distress and unable to fly properly. The bear says, "Nothing trivial, I hope."

11 January 1967

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Jim Ivey. A black arm band labeled "Grissom, White, Chaffee" circles the moon, which is shown in a dark sky above the Earth. Astronauts Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee died in a launch pad fire on January 27, 1967, during testing prior to the Apollo/Saturn 204 mission (later named Apollo 1). The cartoon caption reads, "Mourning band."

January 1967

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