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From the United States Forest Service, Harrison Experimental Forest Station Collection. Photograph of a genetics display at the Southern Institute of Forest Genetics.

October 1962

From the Campbell (Will D.) Papers; Copy of a typewritten letter from Will D. Campbell to Rev. Luther Holcomb, dated October 19, 1962. During a recent visit to the University of Mississippi, Campbell's connection to Holcomb allowed him to see James Meredith without trouble.

19 October 1962

From the United States Forest Service, Harrison Experimental Forest Station Collection. Photograph of a genetics display at the Southern Institute of Forest Genetics.

October 1962

Copy of a typewritten letter, dated October 21, 1962, from P. D. (Percy Dale) East to several friends, in which East explains the difficult situation in which he finds himself in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Some members of the community have accused him of being responsible for the arrest of Circuit Clerk Theron Lynd, resulting in personal, financial, and legal problems for East. He also mentions Clyde Kennard, an African-American man who attempted to enroll at the University of Southern Mississippi in the late 1950s.

21 October 1962

From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection. Transcript of a radio program; the text is critical of Mississippians for ignoring the authority of the federal government and its law.

2 October 1962

Photograph from the Johnston (Erle E., Jr.) Papers; Black-and-white photograph of a burned-out vehicle taken during the riots at the University of Mississippi in the fall of 1962. Riots broke out in late September as a result of the integration of the university by James Meredith.

1 October 1962

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet published by the Mississippi State Junior Chamber of Commerce states that its purpose is to explain parts of the story of the University of Mississippi's forced integration that the media ignored. The pamphlet asserts that Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy acted illegally and impatiently when they sent Federal marshals and troops to integrate the University. It mainly contends that the Kennedy administration violated the state's right to organize and manage their own public schools.

October 1962

From the McCain (William D.) Pamphlet Collection; The pamphlet states the Caucasian-Americans from a biological perspective, are superior to African-Americans.

3 October 1962

Photograph from the Johnston (Erle E., Jr.) Papers; Black-and-white photograph of several armed men in uniform on the campus of the University of Mississippi, October 1, 1962. The men were part of the law enforcement effort to restore and maintain order on the campus during the riots that occurred after the integration of the university by James Meredith in late September. A burned-out vehicle can be seen in the background of the photograph.

1 October 1962

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