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From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by John Stampone. Four protesters march from right to left in the cartoon, and each carries a picket sign. A woman wearing glasses carries a sign that reads, "Militant teachers." A young male hippie with beads and long hair carries a sign that reads, "Militant students." A matronly looking woman carries a sign that reads, "Militant parents." The fourth sign is carried by a small boy, and it reads, "Militant kids." The cartoon caption is not shown.

2 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Ed Valtman. Eugene McCarthy is dressed as the Pied Piper and is playing a flute while leading a large group of people who are holding a banner that reads "Dissident Democrats." Other signs in the crowd read "Defeat is good for you, Losing is winning, Ask not what we are for, ask what we are against, Sit out the election." The cartoon caption reads, "The pied piper."

15 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Eddie Germano. Richard Nixon is dressed in a football uniform with "Nixon 68" on the jersey and "GOP" and an elephant on the helmet. He is running and carrying a football labeled "Election lead" under his left arm. An elephant dressed as a football coach is on the sidelines jumping. He yells, "For gosh sakes, don't fumble it!"

9 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. An elephant dressed in a suit and wearing a "Nixon & Agnew" button sees the ghost of Tom Dewey sitting at the top of a stairway and holding a paper that says, "Remember '48." On the stairs are the words, "The election will be a shoo-in." The elephant says, "Oh, how I wish he'd go away." The cartoon caption reads, "He wasn't there again today."

22 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Hubert Humphrey is on a sidewalk holding a sign that reads, "I'm my own man." On the wall beside him, his shadow is in the shape of Lyndon Johnson.

27 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Ed Valtman. A crowd of men carrying journalists' notebooks run as one and have stampeded over Hubert Humphrey, knocking him to the ground. One of the men carries a sign labeled "Pollsters," and Humphrey carries one labeled "Humphrey for president." Some of the men's notebooks are labeled "Harris poll" and "Gallup poll." The cartoon caption reads, "Run over."

16 October 1968

From the Gail E. Haley Papers. Print, linoleum, "full color," for pages 12-13 of of A STORY, A STORY: AN AFRICAN TALE retold and illustrated by Gail E. Haley (New York: Atheneum, 1970), with the caption "Ananse and the Leopard" "#1/9" signed and dated by Gail E. Haley. A STORY, A STORY is the winner of the 1971 Caldecott Medal.

17 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Inside a large circle on a paper headed by the words, "General election ballot," Hubert Humphrey is shown trying to run while carrying an injured donkey on his back. The donkey has a bandage around its head. Humphrey is showing the strain. At his feet is a sign that reads, "Rooster-donkey hassle." The cartoon caption reads, "It's settled! He'll be running under a donkey in Louisiana."

05 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Uncle Sam is dressed as an astronaut, and he holds up two small signs next to each other. One reads, "uccess of Apollo 7," without the "S." The other sign reads, "United States Day, Oct. 23" and contains the missing S from the first sign. Planets of the solar system are in the far background. The cartoon caption reads, "They go well together."

23 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by John Stampone. Hubert Humphrey offers a giant flower with "HHH" in the center of the petals toward a Roman centurion (Eugene McCarthy) whose breastplate is labeled "McCarthy's non-support." The centurion is wounded from battle, his uniform is shabby, and his sword is cracked. Humphrey says, "Make love, not war."

23 October 1968

Photograph of J. Fred Walker standing beside a science laboratory counter at the time of the dedication of Walker Science Building in 1968. Featured in the Student Printz on October 31, 1968, on page 4.

October 1968

From Volume 52, Number 10 October 15, 1968 edition of the Student Printz. A photo of cheerleaders and fans celebrating Southern Miss's victory of Mississippi State by 47-14 in a 1968 football game.

15 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey hold a sign between them that reads, "Don't let George do it!" The cartoon caption reads, "Bipartisanship."

16 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. At the bottom of the cartoon is a map of Louisiana, labeled "La. launch pad." In the background, the horizon shows the curve of the earth, and planets are shown in the sky. On the map is a "3-stage rocket" hooked by cables to a launch tower. The lowest stage of the rocket has a face on it (the public). The three stages of the rocket are labeled, from the bottom up, "Higher taxes booster...Existing revenue list...Needs: highways, institutions, education, etc." The cartoon caption reads, "The long 'count-up' begins."

28 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Vic Runtz. A man wearing a white lab coat watches a television broadcast from the lunar orbit of the Apollo 7 mission. An astronaut on television holds a handkerchief to his nose and "snuffles." The man in the lab coat says, "Man can split the atom, disintegrate his planet. He can explore far reaches of space and, ah, ah, hah, A-achoo!" Runtz's signature cat clings to a leg of the television set to avoid being blown away by the man's sneeze and says,"Gesundheit! The cartoon caption reads, "Still something to be desired."

16 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. A man in formal clothing and top hat is labeled "Diplomacy" on the coat sleeve. He is running down an escalator that is going up, while carrying a satchel labeled "De-" in one hand and a paper that reads, "A bombing pause with proper assurances" in the other. The escalator is labeled so and includes a small sign that reads "Vietnam" just above the word "Escalator." The diplomat's case is placed in the drawing to form the word, "De-escalator." The cartoon caption reads, "Problem with the reverse system."

19 October 1968

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Eldon Pletcher. The very tall ghost of Joseph Stalin is outside the Kremlin in Moscow, next to a wall labeled, "Red Square." Near him are "Events in Czechoslavakia...Harder line towards the West...Threats to Romania and Yugoslavia." The cartoon caption reads, "Well, as I live and breathe."

27 October 1968

From the Campbell (Will D.) Papers; Copy of a typewritten letter on letterhead of the Committee of Southern Churchmen from Will D. Campbell to David Mathis, editor of Sidelines, dated October 28, 1968. Campbell discusses an article printed in a recent issue of the student paper of Middle Tennessee State University. He points out that the article raised important questions, but did so in a way that could be perceived as offensive.

29 October 1968

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