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From the Mississippiana and Rare Books Collection. A cook book compiled by the Women's Missionary Auxiliary of Evergreen Baptist Church consisting of recipes for hors d'oeuvres, meats, breads, casseroles and other miscellaneous foods.

circa 1960s

From Henry and Sue Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. A photograph of Henry Lorenzi, Warren Booker, and Joe Smith with a group of people sitting the Freedom Democratic Party (FDP) campaign office.

circa 1960s

From Henry and Sue Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. Several unidentified kindergarten students and one unidentified woman outside before Head Start.

circa 1960s

Booklet from the Ellin (Joseph and Nancy) Freedom Summer Collection; Booklet compiled for delegates of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) who will attend the Democratic National Convention. Describes the MFDP and the contributions of political activists, including Fannie Lou Hamer, Aaron Henry, A.D. Beittel, Victoria Gray, and Hartman Turnbow. Raises questions about the election of Mississippi sheriffs and the influence of the White Citizens Council on law enforcement officials and Circuit clerks in the 1950s and 1960s. There is also a brief section on the nominating committee of the all-white delegation of the Mississippi Democratic Party.

circa 1960s

From Henry and Sue Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. Mary Helen Robert and Rosebud Clark sitting with two unidentified women at the Holmes County Community Center in Mileston.

circa 1960s

From the Sheila Michaels Papers collection. A typewritten draft manuscript of The White Girl by I. V. Weil (pseudonym of Sheila Michaels).

circa 1960s

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection; Cartoon by Charlie Daniel. A man (Lyndon Johnson?) with long hair stalks away from the barber chair and expresses his dissatisfaction by shouting obscenities. The barber, with an innocent expression on his face and scissors in hand, stands amid hair on the floor. The man is labeled "LBJ's foreign aid bill."

circa 1960s

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by John Riedell. Uncle Sam, wearing swim trunks and a beret, sits in a beach chair beside a small table on which is a bottle of wine. About half the wine has been drunk. Uncle Sam holds the bottle in one hand and an empty glass in the other hand. Legs crossed, one foot rests on a pillow with stars. His eyes are closed as if in sleep, and the drawing indicates he is drunk. A double row of missile warheads form a barrier to one side of Uncle Sam, and a sign reads "New defense gap." On the horizon, Mao Zedong and Leonid Brezhnev watch. The cartoon caption reads, "Will we have a Maginot Line?"

circa 1960s

From the Sheila Michaels Papers collection. A digital reproduction of a business card for Sheila K. Michaels, Local 1199 Drug & Hospital Union.

circa 1960s

From the Sheila Michaels Papers collection. A typewritten draft manuscript for The White Girl by Sheila Michaels.

circa 1960s

cartoon by John Stampone; Four men wearing cowboy attire and white hats stand at a bar. The frame of the mirror behind the bar is labeled "NATO Unity Bar" French President Charles DeGaulle is wearing cowboy attire and a black hat, and is walking away from the bar. He points his left hand over his left shoulder, gesturing toward the cowboys at the bar. A miniature nuclear missile labeled with an atomic symbol is holstered at DeGaulle's left hip.

circa 1960s

From Henry and Sue Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. Unidentified children sitting in chairs with their heads on the table. They are at the community center in Mileston.

circa 1960s

From the Miller (Michael J.) Civil Rights Collection. List of discussion topics for use in freedom school classrooms.

circa 1960s

A photo from the Toxey Morris Collection. The photo displays a group of marines being loaded into a helicopter.

circa 1960s

From the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Campaign Posters Collection. A poster featuring a picture of activist Aaron Henry, who is running for senate. The poster reads "Freedom Means Vote for Fannie Lou Hamer. Lyndon Johnson-President. Aaron Henry- Senate. Fannie Lou Hamer- Congress 2nd Dist. Hubert Humphrey- Vice-President. Annie Devine- Congress 4th Dist. Victoria Gray- Congress 5th Dist. Freedom Vote Oct. 31- Nov. 2 Regular Election Nov. 3"

circa 1960s

From Henry and Sue Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. A group of people at the Holmes County Community Center – Mileston. It appears that it is right before a meeting.

circa 1960s

From the Sheila Michaels Papers collection. A digital reproduction of a typewritten newsletter depicting the centers of individual civic power within Hattiesburg society. An hand-drawn chart is at the top of the newsletter.

circa 1960s

From Henry and Sue Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. Two unidentified women and a group of unidentified kindergarten students on and beside a porch posing for a picture before Head Start.

circa 1960s

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