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From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Richard Locher. Uncle Sam is standing outside the door of a house which is labeled "Metric system." He is talking to a man who has opened the door. A space ship labeled, "U.S. system of measurements" is parked to the right of the house. Uncle Sam says, "Take me to your liter!"

circa 1975

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Richard Locher. Two rats are labeled "Violence" and "Terrorism." They are eating a globe of the Earth as if it were food. One is eating in the area of Eastern Europe/Soviet Union and the other at sub-Saharan Africa. The cartoon caption reads, "Having a ball."

circa 1975

From the AAEC Editorial Cartoon Collection. Cartoon by Richard Locher. Two thugs walk away from a crime victim in an alley. The larger of the two men carries a handgun and cash. The smaller man, with "CAT" on his shirt, carries a handgun and a (?) [rolled paper or stick?]. Behind them in the alley, an unconscious (dead?) man lies amid scattered garbage cans and trash. The large thug says to the other man, "Don't worry about it! Cruel and unusual punishment applies to US if we're caught! Not to our victims!" At the right edge of the cartoon is part of a political campaign poster with: "Nov. 1; Markusich; Vote."

circa 1975

cartoon by Richard Wallmeyer; A statue of a seated, meditating Buddha labeled "Cambodia" sits upon a stone slab. Two lengths of barbed wire are suspended in front of the statue. One of the barbs on the wire is shaped like a hammer and sickle.

circa 1975

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