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M336 Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Manuscripts

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Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, dated August 6, 1964. Zwerling updates his parents on his activities, including his efforts to set up contacts in Tunica, Mississippi, for SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) workers who will be arriving the fall. He also thanks them for money they recently sent.

6 August 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Copy of a typewritten document distributed by the New York office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Document outlines the status of various legislative proposals in Mississippi. Information about these proposals was taken primarily from Mississippi newspapers.

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, June 20, 1964. Zwerling notifies his parents of his arrival in Clarksdale, Mississippi, and includes his address there. He notes that the community is friendly and that he has yet to experience harassment.

20 June 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Cover and first five pages of a booklet compiled by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Provides a synopsis of the events leading up to and including Freedom Summer 1964. Includes details of organizations and programs involved in the project, including: Freedom schools, Free Southern Theater, the National Council of Churches, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Legal Defense and Education Fund, and a variety of community centers. The list is followed by a 26-page summary of incidents and a 2-page epilogue.

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, and Sara, dated June 26, 1964. Discusses the positive community response in and around Clarksdale, Mississippi, to voter registration drives, and expresses optimism with regard to the lack of violence and police harassment experienced thus far. Zwerling also writes about his concern for Andrew Goodman. (Goodman was a civil rights worker and friend of Zwerling's from New York who was missing and later found murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi, along with James Chaney and Michael Schwerner.)

26 June 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Program for a Town Hall meeting held at New York University on August 20, 1964. The meeting,"Hearing on Mississippi," featured panelists listening to another group testify on their experiences in Mississippi. The meeting was sponsored by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Mississippi Project Parents Committee.

20 August 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Flyer advertising a town hall meeting about civil rights in Mississippi to be held at New York University on August 20, 1964. Lists the panelists involved, and details of date, time, and location.

20 August 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Typewritten letter from Congressman William F. Ryan to Dr. Israel Zwerling, dated August 31, 1964, in which Ryan assures Zwerling of his advocacy for federal protection for civil rights workers in Mississippi.

31 August 1964

Typewritten letter on United States Senate letterhead from New York Senator Jacob K. Javits to Dr. Israel Zwerling, dated July 2, 1964. Javits thanks Zwerling for his recent letter concerning the safety of students participating in civil rights work, and assures him that every effort will be made to provide protection for civil rights workers in the South. (Note: A copy of a June 18, 1964 Congressional Record statement by Javits was included with this letter and available in the manuscript collection.)

2 July 1964

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, dated August 10, 1964. In this brief note, Zwerling notifies his parents that he moved to Marks.

10 August 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Newsletter of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Includes an article about James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, civil rights workers who were murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Also covers the Freedom Summer training session in Oxford, Ohio, and incidents of racial violence in Mississippi.

30 June 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Typewritten letter from Representative William F. Ryan to Dr. and Mrs. Israel Zwerling dated July 13, 1964. Ryan writes of his recent visit with their son, Matthew Zwerling. He also mentions Dr. Aaron Henry, a civil rights worker from Clarksdale, Mississippi, and the benefit of Matthew's association with him.

13 July 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Newsletter of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Includes articles about the Mississippi Freedom Summer project, attacks against civil rights workers in Mississippi, and civil rights work in Selma, Alabama.

15 July 1964

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, dated July 28, 1964. In the short note, he mentions voter registration work and the up-coming Freedom Day.

28 July 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. <br>Copy of a typewritten letter from Dr. Israel Zwerling to President Lyndon B. Johnson dated July 8, 1964. Zwerling describes his position as the father of a civil rights volunteer in the Mississippi Summer Project and thanks Johnson for his efforts regarding the missing civil rights workers in Mississippi, Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney. Zwerling also writes about a visit to Mississippi by New York Representative Ryan and a dinner with Zwerling's son. He suggests that an increased federal presence in Mississippi might make a difference for the movement.

8 July 1964

From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection.; Photograph taken during the summer of 1964 at the Freedom Summer office in Clarksdale, Mississippi. The man standing in the center of the group of people is tentatively identified as Matthew Zwerling.


From the Zwerling (Matthew) Freedom Summer Collection. A four-page document that discusses detailed plans for the development of the party, the organizational structure, and its three major challenges: Freedom registration, Freedom candidates, and the Convention challenge. The outline ends with an explanation of the MFDP Challenge to the Democratic National Convention. (See also: Zeman (Zoya) Freedom Summer Collection, ID mus-zz020).

Typewritten letter from Matthew Zwerling to his parents, Israel and Florence Zwerling, dated July 3, 1964. Discusses a recent meeting that was well-attended, as well as the COFO (Council of Federated Organizations) discouragement of public demonstrations. Zwerling also mentions that Congressman Fitz (William F.) Ryan recently visited Clarksdale, Mississippi.

3 July 1964

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