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Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Special Collections

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From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of cows standing in a field. Corn crops are seen in the background. The caption on the back reads, “Jr. Calf. Blaine Ewing Jr, Picayune Miss. Return to M. P. Thornhill Picayune Miss - Photo # 2” written over undecipherable erased words in pencil.


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of Cora “Aunt Blue” Davis. Caption on the back describes her history in Picayune. Can be found in the book Next Door to Heaven by S. G. Thigpen, with the caption, "Mrs. Cora Davis, widely known as Aunt Blue, lifetime resident of Gainesville. She refused to move when NASA took over. Her house was loaded on the moving truck and hauled to its new location in South Picayune with her and all her belongings in it."


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of a street view of Thigpen Hardware Company and Thigpen’s Furniture. Automobiles are parked in each space on the street. Two automobiles are on the street driving left.


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of approximately ten automobiles and dozens of people gathered in Picayune, MS. In the background are buildings, including “City Drug Store” and “The Picayune Item.” Caption on the back reads “Picayune Men Boarding Train for Korean War.”

28 August 1950

From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of tung blossoms on a tung tree.

From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of Col. L. O. Crosby, Sr. walking on the bottom left wearing a hat, white shirt and dark pants. An automobile is on the left in front of a wooden fence. An “L” shaped barn is in the background.

From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of a pond and the Crosby house. The far side is lined with brick and rock, including a seating area on the right with a parked golf cart. Trees obscure the Crosby House in the background.


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of tung leaves and nuts.

From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of Thigpen Hardware Co. Lumber Warehouse. Three cars are parked outside. Two men are standing at the gate. A chain link fence surrounds the building. Lumber can be seen to be stacked inside. Sign on building reads “Thigpen Hardware Co. Lumber Building Materials Everything to Build Anything.”


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of many men standing on the ground and on wooden scaffolds. Brick and other debris cover the ground. The men on the scaffold to the left are building a brick wall. In the background is a truck and a warehouse.

From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of the front of Thigpen-Whitfield Hardware Co., signage also reads “Tung Oil Paints,” “Lumber” “Building Materials, “Supplies, and “Lumber” as well as a canopy reading “The Hardware Store.”


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of approximately 16 men standing with four horses in a field where the crop has begun growing.


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of a group of approximately 75 male workers are standing and kneeling. Buildings with smokestacks and a lone tree can be seen in the background.


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of a large building with four columns and a small balcony overlooking the front door (which says “library”). The caption on the back reads, “City Hall, Picayune.” The building may have served dual purposes.


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of an automobile parked on a gravel road in a tung orchard.

From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of Bruner Johnson. Caption on back of photograph and book Next Door to Heaven reads, “Bruner Johnson, 96 of Picayune. Source of information for two stories in this book.”


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of a large, multi-windowed building with a large smokestack and a car parked out front sits across a large field. Caption on back reads, “blanket factory, Goodyear Road, Picayune.”


From the Thigpen (S.G.) Papers. Photograph of tung trees lined up along a field. Near the bottom is a flock of turkeys.

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