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M502 Sojourner (Henry and Sue) Civil Rights Movement Collection

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Manuscripts

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From the Henry and Sue [Lorenzi] Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. A copy of a news release from the Fort Hood Three Defense Committee regarding the Army Review Board agreeing to hear Fort Hood Three appeal.

From the Henry and Sue [Lorenzi] Sojourner Civil Rights Movement Collection. A flier publicizing a demonstration at Danbury Federal Prison, and other prisons around the country, to show support for Danbury prison resistors and includes a list of demands from the prisoners, as well as demands from the Committee on Prisons in South Vietnam. Demonstration sponsored by the U.S. Committee on Prisons, c/o the Harrisburg Defense Committee. Co-sponsored by Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Catholic Peace Fellowship, Clergy and Laymen Concerned, Emmaus House, Committee to Free Angela Davis and other Political Prisoners, People's Coalition for Peace and Justice, Mayday, Third World Women's Alliance, and the Danbury Committee on Prisons.


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